Source code for shear

'''This file is part of AeoLiS.
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AeoLiS  Copyright (C) 2015 Bas Hoonhout
Deltares                         Delft University of Technology
Unit of Hydraulic Engineering    Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Boussinesqweg 1                  Stevinweg 1
2629 HVDelft                     2628CN Delft
The Netherlands                  The Netherlands


import logging
import numpy as np
import scipy.special
import scipy.interpolate
from scipy import ndimage, misc
#import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
#import scipy.interpolate as spint
#import scipy.spatial.qhull as qhull
import time

# package modules
from aeolis.utils import *

# initialize logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class WindShear: '''Class for computation of 2DH wind shear perturbations over a topography. The class implements a 2D FFT solution to the wind shear perturbation on curvilinear grids. As the FFT solution is only defined on an equidistant rectilinear grid with circular boundary conditions that is aligned with the wind direction, a rotating computational grid is automatically defined for the computation. The computational grid is extended in all directions using a logistic sigmoid function as to ensure full coverage of the input grid for all wind directions, circular boundaries and preservation of the alongshore uniformity. An extra buffer distance can be used as to minimize the disturbence from the borders in the input grid. The results are interpolated back to the input grid when necessary. Frequencies related to wave lengths smaller than a computational grid cell are filtered from the 2D spectrum of the topography using a logistic sigmoid tapering. The filtering aims to minimize the disturbance as a result of discontinuities in the topography that may physically exists, but cannot be solved for in the computational grid used. Example ------- >>> w = WindShear(x, y, z) >>> w(u0=10., udir=30.).add_shear(taux, tauy) Notes ----- To do: * Actual resulting values are still to be compared with the results from Kroy et al. (2002) * Grid interpolation can still be optimized * Separation bubble is still to be improved ''' igrid = {} cgrid = {} istransect = False def __init__(self, x, y, z, dx, dy, L, l, z0, buffer_width, buffer_relaxation=None): '''Class initialization Parameters ---------- x : numpy.ndarray 2D array with x-coordinates of input grid y : numpy.ndarray 2D array with y-coordinates of input grid z : numpy.ndarray 2D array with topography of input grid dx : float, optional Grid spacing in x dimension of computational grid (default: 1) dy : float, optional Grid spacing of y dimension of computational grid (default: 1) buffer_width : float, optional Width of buffer distance between input grid boundary and computational grid boundary (default: 100) buffer_relaxation : float, optional Relaxation of topography in buffer from input grid boundary to computational grid boundary (default: buffer_width / 4) L : float, optional Length scale of topographic features (default: 100) l : float, optional Height of inner layer (default: 10) z0 : float, optional Aerodynamic roughness (default: .001) ''' if buffer_relaxation is None: buffer_relaxation = buffer_width / 4. if z.shape[0] == 1: self.istransect = True # Assigning values to original (i) and computational (c) grid self.cgrid = dict(dx = dx, dy = dy) # Setting buffer settings self.buffer_width = buffer_width self.buffer_relaxation = buffer_relaxation # Setting shear perturbation settings self.L = L self.l = l self.z0 = z0 def __call__(self, x, y, z, taux, tauy, u0, udir, process_separation, c, mu_b, taus0, taun0, sep_filter_iterations, zsep_y_filter, plot=False): '''Compute wind shear for given wind speed and direction Parameters ---------- u0 : float Free-flow wind speed udir : float Wind direction in degrees process_separattion : ''' # Reload x and y because of horizontalized input-grid self.igrid = dict(x=x, y=y, z=z, taux=taux, tauy=tauy) # Convert to cartesian to perform all the rotations u_angle = 270. - udir # wind angle if plot: fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(16, 9)) self.plot(ax=axs[0,0], cmap='Reds', stride=10, computational_grid=False) axs[0,0].set_title('Original input grid') # ===================================================================== # Creating, rotating and filling computational grid # ===================================================================== # Creating the computational grid self.set_computational_grid(udir) # Storing computational (c) and original (i) grids gi = self.igrid # initial grid gc = self.cgrid # computational grid # Rotate computational (c) grid to the current wind direction gc['x'], gc['y'] = self.rotate(gc['xi'], gc['yi'], -u_angle, origin=(self.x0, self.y0)) # ===================================================================== # Filling the computational grid with bedlevel and shear stress # ===================================================================== # For now turned off because caused problems. # Just normal extrapolation applied # xi_buff, yi_buff, zi_buff = self.buffer_original_grid() # gc['z'] = self.interpolate(xi_buff, yi_buff, zi_buff, gc['x'], gc['y'], 0) # Interpolate bed levels and shear to the computational grid gc['z'] = self.interpolate(gi['x'], gi['y'], gi['z'], gc['x'], gc['y'], 0) # Project the taus0 and taun0 on the computational grid gc['taux'] = np.full(np.shape(gc['x']), taus0) gc['tauy'] = np.full(np.shape(gc['x']), taun0) if plot: self.plot(ax=axs[0,1], cmap='Reds', stride=10, computational_grid=True) axs[0,1].set_title('Interpolated values on computational grid') # ===================================================================== # Rotating x, y and taux, tauy to horizontal position # ===================================================================== gc['x'], gc['y'] = self.rotate(gc['x'], gc['y'], u_angle, origin=(self.x0, self.y0)) gi['x'], gi['y'] = self.rotate(gi['x'], gi['y'], u_angle, origin=(self.x0, self.y0)) gc['taux'], gc['tauy'] = self.rotate(gc['taux'], gc['tauy'], u_angle) if plot: self.plot(ax=axs[0,2], cmap='Reds', stride=10, computational_grid=True) axs[0,2].set_title('Interpolated values on computational grid') # ===================================================================== # Computing bubble and add it the bedlevel for shear perturbation. # Afterwards, computing the change in shear stress (dtaux and dtauy), # rotate to horizontal computational grid and add to tau0 # ===================================================================== # Compute separation bubble if process_separation: zsep = self.separation(c, mu_b, sep_filter_iterations, zsep_y_filter) z_origin = gc['z'].copy() gc['z'] = np.maximum(gc['z'], zsep) # Compute wind shear stresses on computational grid self.compute_shear(u0, nfilter=(1., 2.)) # Add shear self.add_shear() # Prevent negatives in x-direction (wind-direction) gc['taux'] = np.maximum(gc['taux'], 0.) # Compute the influence of the separation on the shear stress if process_separation: gc['hsep'] = gc['z'] - z_origin self.separation_shear(gc['hsep']) if plot: tau_plot = np.hypot(gc['taux'], gc['tauy']) pc = axs[1,0].pcolormesh(gc['x'], gc['y'], tau_plot) plt.colorbar(pc, ax=axs[1,0]) axs[1,0].set_title('Rotate grids, such that computational is horizontal') # ===================================================================== # Rotating x, y and taux, tauy to original orientation # ===================================================================== gc['x'], gc['y'] = self.rotate(gc['x'], gc['y'], -u_angle, origin=(self.x0, self.y0)) gi['x'], gi['y'] = self.rotate(gi['x'], gi['y'], -u_angle, origin=(self.x0, self.y0)) gc['taux'], gc['tauy'] = self.rotate(gc['taux'], gc['tauy'], -u_angle) # ===================================================================== # Interpolation from the computational grid back to the original # ===================================================================== # Interpolate wind shear results to real grid gi['taux'] = self.interpolate(gc['x'], gc['y'], gc['taux'], gi['x'], gi['y'], taus0) gi['tauy'] = self.interpolate(gc['x'], gc['y'], gc['tauy'], gi['x'], gi['y'], taun0) if process_separation: gi['hsep'] = self.interpolate(gc['x'], gc['y'], gc['hsep'], gi['x'], gi['y'], 0. ) # Final plots and lay-out if plot: tau_plot = np.hypot(gi['taux'], gi['tauy']) pc = axs[1,1].pcolormesh(gi['x'], gi['y'], tau_plot) plt.colorbar(pc, ax=axs[1,1]) axs[1,1].set_title('Interpolate back onto original grid') self.plot(ax=axs[1,2], cmap='Reds', stride=10, computational_grid=False) axs[1,2].set_title('Rotate original grid back') for axr in axs: for ax in axr: ax.set_xlim([-400, 400]) ax.set_ylim([-400, 400]) ax.set_aspect('equal') # Create plotting folder os.getcwd() fig_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'plots') if not os.path.exists(fig_path): os.makedirs(fig_path) fig_name = 'udir_' + str(int(udir)) + '.png' plt.savefig(os.path.join(fig_path, fig_name), dpi=200) plt.close('all') return self # Input functions for __call()
[docs] def set_computational_grid(self, udir): '''Define computational grid The computational grid is square with dimensions equal to the diagonal of the bounding box of the input grid, plus twice the buffer width. ''' # Copying the original (i) and computational (c) grid gi = self.igrid gc = self.cgrid # Compute grid center, same for both original (i) and computational (c) grid x0, y0 = np.mean(gi['x']), np.mean(gi['y']) # Initialization b_W = np.zeros(4) b_L = np.zeros(4) xcorner = np.zeros(4) ycorner = np.zeros(4) # Computing the corner-points of the grid xcorner[0] = gi['x'][0, 0] ycorner[0] = gi['y'][0, 0] xcorner[1] = gi['x'][-1, 0] ycorner[1] = gi['y'][-1, 0] xcorner[2] = gi['x'][0, -1] ycorner[2] = gi['y'][0, -1] xcorner[3] = gi['x'][-1, -1] ycorner[3] = gi['y'][-1, -1] # Preventing vertical lines udir_verticals = np.arange(-1080, 1080, 90) udir_vertical_bool = False for udir_vertical in udir_verticals: if (abs(udir - udir_vertical) <= 0.001): udir_vertical_bool = True if udir_vertical_bool: udir -= 0.1 # Compute slope (m) and intercept (b) from parallel lines along all (4) grids corners for i in range(4): # Parallel boundaries m_W, b_W[i] = np.polyfit([xcorner[i], xcorner[i] - np.sin(np.deg2rad(udir))], [ycorner[i], ycorner[i] - np.cos(np.deg2rad(udir))], 1) # Perpendicular boundaries m_L, b_L[i] = np.polyfit([xcorner[i], xcorner[i] - np.sin(np.deg2rad(udir-90.))], [ycorner[i], ycorner[i] - np.cos(np.deg2rad(udir-90.))], 1) # Determine the most outer boundaries (for parallel and perpendicular) db_W = self.maxDiff(b_W) db_L = self.maxDiff(b_L) # Compute the distance between the outer boundaries to determine the width (W) and length (L) of the grid self.Width = abs(db_W) / np.sqrt((m_W**2.) + 1) + self.buffer_width * 2. self.Length = abs(db_L) / np.sqrt((m_L**2.) + 1) + self.buffer_width * 2. # Create the grid xc, yc = self.get_exact_grid(x0 - self.Length/2., x0 + self.Length/2., y0 - self.Width/2., y0 + self.Width/2., gc['dx'], gc['dy']) # Storing grid parameters self.x0 = x0 self.y0 = y0 gc['xi'] = xc gc['yi'] = yc return self
def separation(self, c, mu_b, sep_filter_iterations, zsep_y_filter): # Initialize grid and bed dimensions gc = self.cgrid x = gc['x'] y = gc['y'] z = gc['z'] nx = len(gc['z'][1]) ny = len(gc['z'][0]) dx = gc['dx'] dy = gc['dy'] # Initialize arrays dzx = np.zeros(gc['z'].shape) dzdx0 = np.zeros(gc['z'].shape) dzdx1 = np.zeros(gc['z'].shape) stall = np.zeros(gc['z'].shape) bubble = np.zeros(gc['z'].shape) k = np.array(range(0, nx)) zsep = np.zeros(z.shape) # total separation bubble zsep_new = np.zeros(z.shape) # first-oder separation bubble surface zfft = np.zeros((ny,nx), dtype=np.complex) # Compute bed slope angle in x-dir dzx[:,:-2] = np.rad2deg(np.arctan((z[:,2:]-z[:,:-2])/(2.*dx))) dzx[:,-2] = dzx[:,-3] dzx[:,-1] = dzx[:,-2] # Determine location of separation bubbles '''Separation bubble exist if bed slope angle (lee side) is larger than max angle that wind stream lines can follow behind an obstacle (mu_b = ..)''' stall += np.logical_and(abs(dzx) > mu_b, dzx < 0.) stall[:,1:-1] += np.logical_and(stall[:,1:-1]==0, stall[:,:-2]>0., stall[:,2:]>0.) # Define separation bubble bubble[:,:-1] = (stall[:,:-1] == 0.) * (stall[:,1:] > 0.) # Better solution for cleaner separation bubble, but no working Barchan dune (yet) p = 1 bubble[:,p:] = bubble[:,:-p] bubble[:,-p:] = 0 bubble = bubble.astype(int) # Count separation bubbles n = np.sum(bubble) bubble_n = np.asarray(np.where(bubble == True)).T # Walk through all separation bubbles and determine polynoms j = 9999 for k in range(0, n): i = bubble_n[k,1] j = bubble_n[k,0] #Bart: check for negative wind direction if np.sum(gc['taux']) >= 0: idir = 1 else: idir = -1 ix_neg = (dzx[j, i+idir*5:] >= 0) # i + 5?? if np.sum(ix_neg) == 0: zbrink = z[j,i] # z level of brink at z(x0) else: zbrink = z[j,i] - z[j,i+idir*5+idir*np.where(ix_neg)[0][0]] # Better solution and cleaner separation bubble, but no working Barchan dune (yet) dzdx0 = (z[j,i] - z[j,i-3]) / (3.*dx) a = dzdx0 / c ls = np.minimum(np.maximum((3.*zbrink/(2.*c) * (1. + a/4. + a**2/8.)), 0.1), 200.) a2 = -3 * zbrink/ls**2 - 2 * dzdx0 / ls a3 = 2 * zbrink/ls**3 + dzdx0 / ls**2 i_max = min(i+int(ls/dx)+1,int(nx-1)) if idir == 1: xs = x[j,i:i_max] - x[j,i] else: xs = -(x[j,i:i_max] - x[j,i]) zsep_new[j,i:i_max] = (a3*xs**3 + a2*xs**2 + dzdx0*xs + z[j,i]) # Choose maximum of bedlevel, previous zseps and new zseps zsep[j,:] = np.maximum.reduce([z[j,:], zsep[j,:], zsep_new[j,:]]) for filter_iter in range(sep_filter_iterations): zsep_new = np.zeros(zsep.shape) Cut = 1.5 dk = 2.0 * np.pi / (np.max(x)) zfft[j,:] = np.fft.fft(zsep[j,:]) zfft[j,:] *= np.exp(-(dk*k*dx)**2/(2.*Cut**2)) zsep_fft = np.real(np.fft.ifft(zfft[j,:])) if np.sum(ix_neg) == 0: zbrink = zsep_fft[i] else: zbrink = zsep_fft[i] - zsep_fft[i+idir*5+idir*np.where(ix_neg)[0][0]] # First order polynom dzdx1 = (zsep_fft[i] - zsep_fft[i-3])/(3.*dx) a = dzdx1 / c ls = np.minimum(np.maximum((3.*zbrink/(2.*c) * (1. + a/4. + a**2/8.)), 0.1), 200.) a2 = -3 * zbrink/ls**2 - 2 * dzdx1 / ls a3 = 2 * zbrink/ls**3 + dzdx1 / ls**2 i_max1 = min(i+idir*int(ls/dx),int(nx-1)) if idir == 1: xs1 = x[j,i:i_max1] - x[j,i] else: xs1 = -(x[j,i:i_max1] - x[j,i]) zsep_new[j, i:i_max1] = (a3*xs1**3 + a2*xs1**2 + dzdx1*xs1 + zbrink) # Pick the maximum seperation bubble hieght at all locations zsep[j,:] = np.maximum.reduce([z[j,:], zsep[j,:], zsep_new[j,:]]) # Smooth surface of separation bubbles over y direction if zsep_y_filter: zsep = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(zsep, sigma=0.2, axis=0) #Correct for any seperation bubbles that are below the bed surface following smoothing ilow = zsep < z zsep[ilow] = z[ilow] return zsep
[docs] def compute_shear(self, u0, nfilter=(1., 2.)): '''Compute wind shear perturbation for given free-flow wind speed on computational grid Parameters ---------- u0 : float Free-flow wind speed nfilter : 2-tuple Wavenumber range used for logistic sigmoid filter. See :func:`filter_highfrequencies` ''' gc = self.cgrid gi = self.igrid # initial grid if u0 == 0.: self.cgrid['dtaux'] = np.zeros(gc['z'].shape) self.cgrid['dtauy'] = np.zeros(gc['z'].shape) return ny, nx = gc['z'].shape kx, ky = np.meshgrid(2. * np.pi * np.fft.fftfreq(nx+1, gc['dx'])[1:], 2. * np.pi * np.fft.fftfreq(ny+1, gc['dy'])[1:]) hs = np.fft.fft2(gc['z']) hs = self.filter_highfrequenies(kx, ky, hs, nfilter) z0 = self.z0 # roughness length which takes into account saltation L = self.L /4. # typical length scale of the hill (=1/kx) ?? # Inner layer height l = self.l # interpolate roughness length z0 to computational grid if np.size(z0)>1: z0new = self.interpolate(gi['x'], gi['y'], z0, gc['x'], gc['y'], 0) else: z0new = z0 for i in range(5): l = 2 * 0.41**2 * L /np.log(l/z0new) # Middle layer height hm = 1.0 for i in range(5): hm = L / np.sqrt(np.log(hm/z0new)) # Non-dimensional velocity ul = np.log(l/z0new) / np.log(hm/z0new) # Arrays in Fourier k = np.sqrt(kx**2 + ky**2) sigma = np.sqrt(1j * L * kx * z0new /l) time_start_perturbation = time.time() # Shear stress perturbation dtaux_t = hs * kx**2 / k * 2 / ul**2 * \ (-1. + (2. * np.log(l/z0new) + k**2/kx**2) * sigma * \ sc_kv(1., 2. * sigma) / sc_kv(0., 2. * sigma)) dtauy_t = hs * kx * ky / k * 2 / ul**2 * \ 2. * np.sqrt(2.) * sigma * sc_kv(1., 2. * np.sqrt(2.) * sigma) gc['dtaux'] = np.real(np.fft.ifft2(dtaux_t)) gc['dtauy'] = np.real(np.fft.ifft2(dtauy_t))
[docs] def separation_shear(self, hsep): '''Reduces the computed wind shear perturbation below the separation surface to mimic the turbulence effects in the separation bubble Parameters ---------- hsep : numpy.ndarray Height of seperation bubble (in x direction) ''' tau_sep = 0.5 slope = 0.2 # according to Durán 2010 (Sauermann 2001: c = 0.25 for 14 degrees) delta = 1./(slope*tau_sep) zsepdelta = np.minimum(np.maximum(1. - delta * hsep, 0.), 1.) self.cgrid['taux'] *= zsepdelta self.cgrid['tauy'] *= zsepdelta
def maxDiff(self, arr): result = 0 n = len(arr) # Iterate through all pairs. for i in range(0,n): for j in range(i, n): if (abs(arr[i] - arr[j]) + abs(i - j) > result): result = abs(arr[i] - arr[j]) + abs(i - j) return result
[docs] def filter_highfrequenies(self, kx, ky, hs, nfilter=(1, 2)): '''Filter high frequencies from a 2D spectrum A logistic sigmoid filter is used to taper higher frequencies from the 2D spectrum. The range over which the sigmoid runs from 0 to 1 with a precision ``p`` is given by the 2-tuple ``nfilter``. The range is defined as wavenumbers in terms of gridcells, i.e. a value 1 corresponds to a wave with length ``dx``. Parameters ---------- kx : numpy.ndarray Wavenumbers in x-direction ky : numpy.ndarray Wavenumbers in y-direction hs : numpy.ndarray 2D spectrum nfilter : 2-tuple Wavenumber range used for logistic sigmoid filter p : float Precision of sigmoid range definition Returns ------- hs : numpy.ndarray Filtered 2D spectrum ''' if nfilter is not None: n1 = np.min(nfilter) n2 = np.max(nfilter) px = 2 * np.pi / self.cgrid['dx'] / np.abs(kx) py = 2 * np.pi / self.cgrid['dy'] / np.abs(ky) s1 = n1 / np.log(1. / .01 - 1.) s2 = -n2 / np.log(1. / .99 - 1.) f1 = 1. / (1. + np.exp(-(px + n1 - n2) / s1)) f2 = 1. / (1. + np.exp(-(py + n1 - n2) / s2)) hs *= f1 * f2 return hs
[docs] def get_shear(self): '''Returns wind shear perturbation field Returns ------- taux : numpy.ndarray Wind shear perturbation in x-direction tauy : numpy.ndarray Wind shear perturbation in y-direction ''' taux = self.igrid['taux'] tauy = self.igrid['tauy'] return taux, tauy
[docs] def add_shear(self): '''Add wind shear perturbations to a given wind shear field Parameters ---------- taux : numpy.ndarray Wind shear in x-direction tauy : numpy.ndarray Wind shear in y-direction Returns ------- taux : numpy.ndarray Wind shear including perturbations in x-direction tauy : numpy.ndarray Wind shear including perturbations in y-direction ''' taux = self.cgrid['taux'] tauy = self.cgrid['tauy'] tau = np.sqrt(taux**2 + tauy**2) ix = tau != 0. dtaux = self.cgrid['dtaux'] dtauy = self.cgrid['dtauy'] self.cgrid['taux'][ix] = tau[ix] * (taux[ix] / tau[ix] + dtaux[ix]) self.cgrid['tauy'][ix] = tau[ix] * (tauy[ix] / tau[ix] + dtauy[ix]) return self
[docs] def get_separation(self): '''Returns difference in height between z-coordinate of the separation polynomial and of the bed level Returns ------- hsep : numpy.ndarray Height of seperation bubble ''' hsep = self.igrid['hsep'] return hsep
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, cmap='Reds', stride=10, computational_grid=False, **kwargs): '''Plot wind shear perturbation Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes, optional Axes to plot onto cmap : or string, optional Colormap for topography (default: Reds) stride : int, optional Stride to apply to wind shear vectors (default: 10) computational_grid : bool, optional Plot on computational grid rather than input grid (default: False) kwargs : dict Additional arguments to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.quiver` Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes Axes used for plotting ''' d = stride if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() if computational_grid: g = self.cgrid else: g = self.igrid ax.pcolormesh(g['x'], g['y'], g['z'], cmap=cmap) ax.quiver(g['x'][::d,::d], g['y'][::d,::d], g['taux'][::d,::d], g['tauy'][::d,::d], **kwargs) if computational_grid: ax.plot(self.get_borders(self.igrid['x']), self.get_borders(self.igrid['y']), '-k') return ax
[docs] @staticmethod def get_exact_grid(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, dx, dy): '''Returns a grid with given gridsizes approximately within given bounding box''' x = np.arange(np.floor(xmin / dx) * dx, np.ceil(xmax / dx) * dx, dx) y = np.arange(np.floor(ymin / dy) * dy, np.ceil(ymax / dy) * dy, dy) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) return x, y
[docs] @staticmethod def get_borders(x): '''Returns borders of a grid as one-dimensional array''' return np.concatenate((x[0,:].T, x[1:-1,-1], x[-1,::-1].T, x[-1:1:-1,0], x[0,:1]), axis=0)
[docs] @staticmethod def rotate(x, y, alpha, origin=(0,0)): '''Rotate a matrix over given angle around given origin''' xr = x - origin[0] yr = y - origin[1] a = alpha / 180. * np.pi R = np.asmatrix([[np.cos(a), -np.sin(a)], [np.sin(a), np.cos(a)]]) xy = np.concatenate((xr.reshape((-1,1)), yr.reshape((-1,1))), axis=1) * R return (np.asarray(xy[:,0].reshape(x.shape) + origin[0]), np.asarray(xy[:,1].reshape(y.shape) + origin[1]))
[docs] def interpolate(self, x, y, z, xi, yi, z0): '''Interpolate one grid to an other''' # First compute angle with horizontal dx = x[0,1] - x[0,0] dy = y[0,1] - y[0,0] angle = np.rad2deg(np.arctan(dy/dx)) if dx <= 0 and dy<=0: angle += 180. # Rotate grids to allign with horizontal x, y = self.rotate(x, y, angle, origin=(self.x0, self.y0)) xi, yi = self.rotate(xi, yi, angle, origin=(self.x0, self.y0)) # Rotate 180 deg if necessary if not np.all(sorted(y[:,0]) == y[:,0]) and not np.all(sorted(x[0,:]) == x[0,:]): x, y = self.rotate(x, y, 180, origin=(self.x0, self.y0)) xi, yi = self.rotate(xi, yi, 180, origin=(self.x0, self.y0)) # Concatenate xy = np.concatenate((y.reshape((-1,1)), x.reshape((-1,1))), axis=1) xyi = np.concatenate((yi.reshape((-1,1)), xi.reshape((-1,1))), axis=1) # Interpolate pad_w = np.maximum(np.shape(x)[0], np.shape(x)[1]) x_pad = np.pad(x, ((pad_w, pad_w), (pad_w, pad_w)), 'reflect', reflect_type='odd') y_pad = np.pad(y, ((pad_w, pad_w), (pad_w, pad_w)), 'reflect', reflect_type='odd') z_pad = np.pad(z, ((pad_w, pad_w), (pad_w, pad_w)), 'edge') if self.istransect: zi = np.interp(xi.flatten(), x_pad.flatten(), z_pad.flatten()).reshape(xi.shape) else: inter = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((y_pad[:,0], x_pad[0,:]), z_pad, bounds_error = False, fill_value = z0) zi = inter(xyi).reshape(xi.shape) return zi