Model state/output

The AeoLiS model state is described by a collection of spatial grid variables with at least one value per horizontal grid cell. Specific model state variables can also be subdivided over bed composition layers and/or grain size fractions. All model state variables can be part of the model netCDF4 output. The current model state variables are listed below.

    ('ny', 'nx') : (
        'uw',                               # [m/s] Wind velocity
        'uws',                              # [m/s] Component of wind velocity in x-direction
        'uwn',                              # [m/s] Component of wind velocity in y-direction
        'tau',                              # [N/m^2] Wind shear stress
        'taus',                             # [N/m^2] Component of wind shear stress in x-direction
        'taun',                             # [N/m^2] Component of wind shear stress in y-direction
        'tau0',                             # [N/m^2] Wind shear stress over a flat bed
        'taus0',                            # [N/m^2] Component of wind shear stress in x-direction over a flat bed
        'taun0',                            # [N/m^2] Component of wind shear stress in y-direction over a flat bed
        'taus_u',                           # [N/m^2] Saved direction of wind shear stress in x-direction
        'taun_u',                           # [N/m^2] Saved direction of wind shear stress in y-direction
        'dtaus',                            # [-] Component of the wind shear perturbation in x-direction
        'dtaun',                            # [-] Component of the wind shear perturbation in y-direction

        'ustar',                            # [m/s] Wind shear velocity
        'ustars',                           # [m/s] Component of wind shear velocity in x-direction
        'ustarn',                           # [m/s] Component of wind shear velocity in y-direction
        'ustar0',                           # [m/s] Wind shear velocity over a flat bed
        'ustars0',                          # [m/s] Component of wind shear velocity in x-direction over a flat bed
        'ustarn0',                          # [m/s] Component of wind shear velocity in y-direction over a flat bed

        'udir',                             # [rad] Wind direction
        'zs',                               # [m] Water level above reference (or equal to zb if zb > zs)
        'SWL',                              # [m] Still water level above reference
        'Hs',                               # [m] Wave height
        'Hsmix',                            # [m] Wave height for mixing (including setup, TWL)
        'Tp',                               # [s] Wave period for wave runup calculations
        'zne',                              # [m] Non-erodible layer

    ('ny', 'nx') : (
        'x',                                # [m] Real-world x-coordinate of grid cell center
        'y',                                # [m] Real-world y-coordinate of grid cell center
        'ds',                               # [m] Real-world grid cell size in x-direction
        'dn',                               # [m] Real-world grid cell size in y-direction
        'dsdn',                             # [m^2] Real-world grid cell surface area
        'dsdni',                            # [m^-2] Inverse of real-world grid cell surface area
#        'alfa',                             # [rad] Real-world grid cell orientation #Sierd_comm in later releases this needs a revision 
        'zb',                               # [m] Bed level above reference
        'zs',                               # [m] Water level above reference
        'zne',                              # [m] Height above reference of the non-erodible layer
        'zb0',                              # [m] Initial bed level above reference
        'zdry',                             # [m]
        'dzdry',                            # [m]
        'dzb',                              # [m/dt] Bed level change per time step (computed after avalanching!)
        'dzbyear',                          # [m/yr] Bed level change translated to m/y
        'dzbavg',                           # [m/year] Bed level change averaged over collected time steps
        'S',                                # [-] Level of saturation
        'moist',                      #NEWCH      # [-] Moisture content (volumetric)
        'moist_swr',                  #NEWCH      # [-] Moisture content soil water retention relationship (volumetric)
        'h_delta',                    #NEWCH      # [-] Suction at reversal between wetting/drying conditions
        'gw',                         #NEWCH      # [m] Groundwater level above reference
        'gw_prev',                    #NEWCH      # [m] Groundwater level above reference in previous timestep
        'wetting',                    #NEWCH      # [bool] Flag indicating wetting or drying of soil profile
        'scan_w',                     #NEWCH      # [bool] Flag indicating that the moisture is calculated on the wetting scanning curve
        'scan_d',                     #NEWCH      # [bool] Flag indicating that the moisture is calculated on the drying scanning curve
        'scan_w_moist',               #NEWCH      # [-] Moisture content (volumetric) computed on the wetting scanning curve
        'scan_d_moist',               #NEWCH      # [-] Moisture content (volumetric) computed on the drying scanning curve
        'w_h',                        #NEWCH      # [-] Moisture content (volumetric) computed on the main wetting curve
        'd_h',                        #NEWCH      # [-] Moisture content (volumetric) computed on the main drying curve
        'w_hdelta',                   #NEWCH      # [-] Moisture content (volumetric) computed on the main wetting curve for hdelta
        'd_hdelta',                    #NEWCH      # [-] Moisture content (volumetric) computed on the main drying curve for hdelta
        'ustar',                            # [m/s] Shear velocity by wind
        'ustars',                           # [m/s] Component of shear velocity in x-direction by wind
        'ustarn',                           # [m/s] Component of shear velocity in y-direction by wind
        'ustar0',                           # [m/s] Initial shear velocity (without perturbation)
        'zsep',                             # [m] Z level of polynomial that defines the separation bubble
        'hsep',                             # [m] Height of separation bubbel = difference between z-level of zsep and of the bed level zb
        'theta_stat',                       # [degrees] Updated, spatially varying static angle of repose
        'theta_dyn',                        # [degrees] Updated, spatially varying dynamic angle of repose
        'rhoveg',                           # [-] Vegetation cover
        'drhoveg',                          # Change in vegetation cover
        'hveg',                             # [m] height of vegetation
        'dhveg',                            # [m] Difference in vegetation height per time step
        'dzbveg',                           # [m] Bed level change used for calculation of vegetation growth
        'germinate',                        # vegetation germination
        'lateral',                          # vegetation lateral expansion
        'vegfac',                           # Vegetation factor to modify shear stress by according to Raupach 1993
        'R',                                # [m] wave runup
        'eta',                              # [m] wave setup
        'sigma_s',                          # [m] swash
        'TWL',                              # [m] Total Water Level above reference (SWL + Run-up)
        'SWL',                              # [m] Still Water Level above reference
        'DSWL',                             # [m] Dynamic Still water level above reference (SWL + Set-up)
        'Rti',                              # [-] Factor taking into account sheltering by roughness elements
    ('ny','nx','nfractions') : (
        'Cu',                               # [kg/m^2] Equilibrium sediment concentration integrated over saltation height
        'Cuf',                              # [kg/m^2] Equilibrium sediment concentration integrated over saltation height, assuming the fluid shear velocity threshold
        'Cu0',                              # [kg/m^2] Flat bad equilibrium sediment concentration integrated over saltation height
        'Ct',                               # [kg/m^2] Instantaneous sediment concentration integrated over saltation height
        'q',                                # [kg/m/s] Instantaneous sediment flux
        'qs',                               # [kg/m/s] Instantaneous sediment flux in x-direction
        'qn',                               # [kg/m/s] Instantaneous sediment flux in y-direction
        'pickup',                           # [kg/m^2] Sediment entrainment
        'w',                                # [-] Weights of sediment fractions
        'w_init',                           # [-] Initial guess for ``w''
        'w_air',                            # [-] Weights of sediment fractions based on grain size distribution in the air
        'w_bed',                            # [-] Weights of sediment fractions based on grain size distribution in the bed
        'uth',                              # [m/s] Shear velocity threshold
        'uthf',                             # [m/s] Fluid shear velocity threshold
        'uth0',                             # [m/s] Shear velocity threshold based on grainsize only (aerodynamic entrainment)
        'u',                                # [m/s] Mean horizontal saltation velocity in saturated state
        'us',                               # [m/s] Component of the saltation velocity in x-direction
        'un',                               # [m/s] Component of the saltation velocity in y-direction
    ('ny','nx','nlayers') : (
        'thlyr',                            # [m] Bed composition layer thickness
        'salt',                             # [-] Salt content
    ('ny','nx','nlayers','nfractions') : (
        'mass',                             # [kg/m^2] Sediment mass in bed