Source code for transport

'''This file is part of AeoLiS.
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AeoLiS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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AeoLiS  Copyright (C) 2015 Bas Hoonhout
Deltares                         Delft University of Technology
Unit of Hydraulic Engineering    Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Boussinesqweg 1                  Stevinweg 1
2629 HVDelft                     2628CN Delft
The Netherlands                  The Netherlands


from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import logging
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# package modules
from aeolis.utils import *

# initialize logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def duran_grainspeed(s, p): '''Compute grain speed according to Duran 2007 (p. 42) Parameters ---------- s : dict Spatial grids p : dict Model configuration parameters Returns ------- dict Spatial grids ''' # Create each grain fraction nf = p['nfractions'] d = p['grain_size'] z = s['zb'] x = s['x'] y = s['y'] ny = p['ny'] uw = s['uw'] uws = s['uws'] uwn = s['uwn'] uth = s['uth0'] #TEMP: s['uth'] causes problems around Bc uth0 = s['uth0'] ustar = s['ustar'] ustars = s['ustars'] ustarn = s['ustarn'] ustar0 = s['ustar0'] rhog = p['rhog'] rhoa = p['rhoa'] srho = rhog/rhoa A = 0.95 B = 5.12 g = np.repeat(p['g'], nf, axis = 0) v = np.repeat(p['v'], nf, axis = 0) kappa = p['kappa'] # Drag coefficient (Duran, 2007 -> Jimenez and Madsen, 2003) r = 1. # Duran 2007, p. 33 c = 14./(1.+1.4*r) tv = (v/g**2)**(1/3) # +- 5.38 ms # Andreotti, 2004 lv = (v**2/(p['Aa']**2*g*(srho-1)))**(1/3) zm = c * uth * tv # characteristic height of the saltation layer +- 20 mm z0 = d/20. # grain based roughness layer +- 10 mu m - Duran 2007 p.32 z1 = 35. * lv # reference height +- 35 mm alpha = 0.17 * d / lv Sstar = d/(4*v)*np.sqrt(g*d*(srho-1.)) Cd = (4/3)*(A+np.sqrt(2*alpha)*B/Sstar)**2 uf = np.sqrt(4/(3*Cd)*(srho-1.)*g*d) # Grain settling velocity - Jimnez and Madsen, 2003 # Initiate arrays ets = np.zeros(uth.shape) etn = np.zeros(uth.shape) ueff = np.zeros(uth.shape) ueff0 = np.zeros(uth.shape) ustar0 = np.repeat(ustar0[:,:,np.newaxis], nf, axis=2) ustar = np.repeat(ustar[:,:,np.newaxis], nf, axis=2) ustars = np.repeat(ustars[:,:,np.newaxis], nf, axis=2) ustarn = np.repeat(ustarn[:,:,np.newaxis], nf, axis=2) uw = np.repeat(uw[:,:,np.newaxis], nf, axis=2) uws = np.repeat(uws[:,:,np.newaxis], nf, axis=2) uwn = np.repeat(uwn[:,:,np.newaxis], nf, axis=2) # Efficient wind velocity (Duran, 2006 - Partelli, 2013) ueff = (uth0 / kappa) * (np.log(z1 / z0)) ueff0 = (uth0 / kappa) * (np.log(z1 / z0)) ueffmin = ueff # Surface gradient dzs = np.zeros(z.shape) dzn = np.zeros(z.shape) dzs[:,1:-1] = (z[:,2:]-z[:,:-2])/(x[:,2:]-x[:,:-2]) dzn[1:-1,:] = (z[:-2,:]-z[2:,:])/(y[:-2,:]-y[2:,:]) # Boundaries if ny > 0: dzs[:,0] = dzs[:,1] dzn[0,:] = dzn[1,:] dzs[:,-1] = dzs[:,-2] dzn[-1,:] = dzn[-2,:] dhs = np.repeat(dzs[:,:,np.newaxis], nf, axis = 2) dhn = np.repeat(dzn[:,:,np.newaxis], nf, axis = 2) # Wind direction ets = uws / uw etn = uwn / uw ix = (ustar >= 0.05) #(ustar >= uth) ets[ix] = ustars[ix] / ustar[ix] etn[ix] = ustarn[ix] / ustar[ix] Axs = ets + 2*alpha*dhs Axn = etn + 2*alpha*dhn Ax = np.hypot(Axs, Axn) # Compute grain speed u0 = np.zeros(uth.shape) us = np.zeros(uth.shape) un = np.zeros(uth.shape) u = np.zeros(uth.shape) for i in range(nf): # determine ueff for different grainsizes ix = (ustar[:,:,i] >= uth[:,:,i])#*(ustar[:,:,i] > 0.) # ueff[ix,i] = (uth[ix,i] / kappa) * (np.log(z1[i] / z0[i]) + 2*(np.sqrt(1+z1[i]/zm[ix,i]*(ustar[ix,i]**2/uth[ix,i]**2-1))-1)) #??? # ueff0[:,:,i] = (uth0[:,:,i] / kappa) * (np.log(z1[i] / z0[i]) + 2*(np.sqrt(1+z1[i]/zm[:,:,i]*(ustar0[:,:,i]**2/uth0[:,:,i]**2-1))-1)) ueff[ix,i] = (uth[ix,i] / kappa) * (np.log(z1[i] / z0[i]) + (z1[i]/zm[ix,i]) * (ustar[ix,i]/uth[ix,i]-1)) # Duran 2007 1.60 p.42 ueff0[:,:,i] = (uth0[:,:,i] / kappa) * (np.log(z1[i] / z0[i]) + (z1[i]/zm[:,:,i]) * (ustar0[:,:,i]/uth[:,:,i]-1)) # Duran 2007 1.60 p.42 ueff[~ix,i] = 0. # loop over fractions u0[:,:,i] = (ueff0[:,:,i] - uf[i] / (np.sqrt(2 * alpha[i]))) us[:,:,i] = (ueff[:,:,i] - uf[i] / (np.sqrt(2. * alpha[i]) * Ax[:,:,i])) * ets[:,:,i] \ - (np.sqrt(2*alpha[i]) * uf[i] / Ax[:,:,i]) * dhs[:,:,i] un[:,:,i] = (ueff[:,:,i] - uf[i] / (np.sqrt(2. * alpha[i]) * Ax[:,:,i])) * etn[:,:,i] \ - (np.sqrt(2*alpha[i]) * uf[i] / Ax[:,:,i]) * dhn[:,:,i] u[:,:,i] = np.hypot(us[:,:,i], un[:,:,i]) # set the grain velocity to zero inside the separation bubble ix = (s['zsep'] > s['zb'] + 0.01) sepspeed = 0.1 us[ix,i] = sepspeed * ets[ix, i] un[ix,i] = sepspeed * etn[ix, i] u[:,:,i] = np.hypot(us[:,:,i], un[:,:,i]) return u0, us, un, u
[docs] def constant_grainspeed(s, p): '''Define saltation velocity u [m/s] Parameters ---------- s : dict Spatial grids p : dict Model configuration parameters Returns ------- dict Spatial grids ''' # Initialize arrays nf = p['nfractions'] uw = s['uw'].copy() uws = s['uws'].copy() uwn = s['uwn'].copy() ustar = s['ustar'].copy() ustars = s['ustars'].copy() ustarn = s['ustarn'].copy() us = np.zeros(ustar.shape) un = np.zeros(ustar.shape) u = np.zeros(ustar.shape) # u with direction of perturbation theory uspeed = 1. # m/s ix = ustar != 0 us[ix] = uspeed * ustars[ix] / ustar[ix] un[ix] = uspeed * ustarn[ix] / ustar[ix] # u under the sep bubble sepspeed = 1.0 #m/s ix = (ustar == 0.)*(uw != 0.) us[ix] = sepspeed * uws[ix] / uw[ix] un[ix] = sepspeed * uwn[ix] / uw[ix] u = np.hypot(us, un) s['us'] = us[:,:,np.newaxis].repeat(nf, axis=2) s['un'] = un[:,:,np.newaxis].repeat(nf, axis=2) s['u'] = u[:,:,np.newaxis].repeat(nf, axis=2) return s
[docs] def equilibrium(s, p): '''Compute equilibrium sediment concentration following Bagnold (1937) Parameters ---------- s : dict Spatial grids p : dict Model configuration parameters Returns ------- dict Spatial grids ''' if p['process_transport']: nf = p['nfractions'] nx = p['nx'] # u via grainvelocity: if p['method_grainspeed']=='duran': #the syntax inside grainspeed needs to be cleaned up u0, us, un, u = duran_grainspeed(s,p) s['u0'] = u0 s['us'] = us s['un'] = un s['u'] = u elif p['method_grainspeed']=='windspeed': s['u0'] = s['uw'][:,:,np.newaxis].repeat(nf, axis=2) s['us'] = s['uws'][:,:,np.newaxis].repeat(nf, axis=2) s['un'] = s['uwn'][:,:,np.newaxis].repeat(nf, axis=2) s['u'] = s['uw'][:,:,np.newaxis].repeat(nf, axis=2) u = s['u'] elif p['method_grainspeed']=='constant': s = constant_grainspeed(s,p) u0 = s['u'] us = s['us'] un = s['un'] u = s['u'] ustar = s['ustar'][:,:,np.newaxis].repeat(nf, axis=2) ustar0 = s['ustar0'][:,:,np.newaxis].repeat(nf, axis=2) uth = s['uth'] uthf = s['uthf'] uth0 = s['uth0'] rhoa = p['rhoa'] g = p['g'] s['Cu'] = np.zeros(uth.shape) s['Cuf'] = np.zeros(uth.shape) ix = (ustar != 0.)*(u != 0.) if p['method_transport'].lower() == 'bagnold': s['Cu'][ix] = np.maximum(0., p['Cb'] * rhoa / g * (ustar[ix] - uth[ix])**3 / u[ix]) s['Cuf'][ix] = np.maximum(0., p['Cb'] * rhoa / g * (ustar[ix] - uthf[ix])**3 / u[ix]) s['Cu0'][ix] = np.maximum(0., p['Cb'] * rhoa / g * (ustar0[ix] - uth0[ix])**3 / u[ix]) elif p['method_transport'].lower() == 'bagnold_gs': Dref = 0.000250 d = p['grain_size'][np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:].repeat(nx+1, axis=1) s['Cu'][ix] = np.maximum(0., p['Cb'] * np.sqrt(d[ix]/Dref) * rhoa / g * (ustar[ix] - uth[ix])**3 / u[ix]) s['Cuf'][ix] = np.maximum(0., p['Cb'] * np.sqrt(d[ix]/Dref) * rhoa / g * (ustar[ix] - uth[ix])**3 / u[ix]) s['Cu0'][ix] = np.maximum(0., p['Cb'] * np.sqrt(d[ix]/Dref) * rhoa / g * (ustar[ix] - uth[ix])**3 / u[ix]) elif p['method_transport'].lower() == 'kawamura': s['Cu'][ix] = np.maximum(0., p['Ck'] * rhoa / g * (ustar[ix] + uth[ix])**2 * (ustar[ix] - uth[ix]) / u[ix]) s['Cuf'][ix] = np.maximum(0, p['Ck'] * rhoa / g * (ustar[ix] + uthf[ix])**2 * (ustar[ix] - uthf[ix]) / u[ix]) elif p['method_transport'].lower() == 'lettau': s['Cu'][ix] = np.maximum(0., p['Cl'] * rhoa / g * ustar[ix]**2 * (ustar[ix] - uth[ix]) / u[ix]) s['Cuf'][ix] = np.maximum(0., p['Cl'] * rhoa / g * ustar[ix]**2 * (ustar[ix] - uthf[ix]) / u[ix]) elif p['method_transport'].lower() == 'dk': s['Cu'][ix] = np.maximum(0., p['Cdk'] * rhoa / g * 0.8*uth[ix] * (ustar[ix]**2 - (0.8*uth[ix])**2) / u[ix]) s['Cuf'][ix] = np.maximum(0., p['Cdk'] * rhoa / g * 0.8*uthf[ix] * (ustar[ix]**2 - (0.8*uthf[ix])**2) / u[ix]) s['Cu0'][ix] = np.maximum(0., p['Cdk'] * rhoa / g * 0.8*uth0[ix] * (ustar0[ix]**2 - (0.8*uth0[ix])**2) / u[ix]) elif p['method_transport'].lower() == 'sauermann': alpha_sauermann = 0.35 s['Cu'][ix] = np.maximum(0., 2.* alpha_sauermann * rhoa / g * (ustar[ix]**2 - uth[ix]**2)) s['Cuf'][ix] = np.maximum(0., 2.* alpha_sauermann * rhoa / g * (ustar[ix]**2 - uthf[ix]**2)) s['Cu0'][ix] = np.maximum(0., 2.* alpha_sauermann * rhoa / g * (ustar0[ix]**2 - uth0[ix]**2)) elif p['method_transport'].lower() == 'vanrijn_strypsteen': s['Cu'][ix] = np.maximum(0., p['Cb'] * rhoa / g * ((ustar[ix])**3 - (uth[ix])**3) / u[ix]) s['Cuf'][ix] = np.maximum(0., p['Cb'] * rhoa / g * ((ustar[ix])**3 - (uth[ix])**3) / u[ix]) s['Cu0'][ix] = np.maximum(0., p['Cb'] * rhoa / g * ((ustar0[ix])**3 - (uth0[ix])**3) / u[ix]) else: logger.log_and_raise('Unknown transport formulation [%s]' % p['method_transport'], exc=ValueError) s['Cu'] *= p['accfac'] s['Cuf'] *= p['accfac'] s['Cu0'] *= p['accfac'] return s
[docs] def compute_weights(s, p): '''Compute weights for sediment fractions Multi-fraction sediment transport needs to weigh the transport of each sediment fraction to prevent the sediment transport to increase with an increasing number of sediment fractions. The weighing is not uniform over all sediment fractions, but depends on the sediment availibility in the air and the bed and the bed interaction parameter ``bi``. Parameters ---------- s : dict Spatial grids p : dict Model configuration parameters Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array with weights for each sediment fraction ''' w_air = normalize(s['Ct'], s['Cu']) w_bed = normalize(s['mass'][:,:,0,:], axis=2) w = (1. - p['bi']) * w_air \ + (1. - np.minimum(1., (1. - p['bi']) * np.sum(w_air, axis=2, keepdims=True))) * w_bed w = normalize(w, axis=2) return w, w_air, w_bed
[docs] def renormalize_weights(w, ix): '''Renormalizes weights for sediment fractions Renormalizes weights for sediment fractions such that the sum of all weights is unity. To ensure that the erosion of specific fractions does not exceed the sediment availibility in the bed, the normalization only modifies the weights with index equal or larger than ``ix``. Parameters ---------- w : numpy.ndarray Array with weights for each sediment fraction ix : int Minimum index to be modified Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array with weights for each sediment fraction ''' f = np.sum(w[:,:,:ix], axis=2, keepdims=True) w[:,:,ix:] = normalize(w[:,:,ix:], axis=2) * (1. - f) # normalize in case of supply-limitation # use uniform distribution in case of no supply w = normalize(w, axis=2, fill=1./w.shape[2]) return w