SandMotor model (Tutorial under construction)

  1. Install aeolis

pip install aeolis

  1. Install the sandengine_small_grids example

To install the example do the following:

aeolis examples .

This command will create a directory called “aeolis_examples” in the current directory. The model configuration file for the sandengine_small_grids example is placed in the “sandengine_small_grids” subdirectory of “aeolis_examples”.

This will install the examples in the current directory. If you want to install them in a different directory, replace the “.” with the path to the directory you want to install the examples in.

  1. Run the simulation

Run the simulation with:

aeolis run aeolis_examples/sandengine_small_grids/aeolis.txt
  1. View/plot the results