Source code for netcdf

'''This file is part of AeoLiS.
AeoLiS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
AeoLiS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with AeoLiS.  If not, see <>.
AeoLiS  Copyright (C) 2015 Bas Hoonhout
Deltares                         Delft University of Technology
Unit of Hydraulic Engineering    Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Boussinesqweg 1                  Stevinweg 1
2629 HVDelft                     2628CN Delft
The Netherlands                  The Netherlands


from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import os
import re
import logging
from datetime import datetime

# package modules
from aeolis.utils import *

# initialize logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# check if netCDF4 is available
    import netCDF4
    HAVE_NETCDF = True
except ImportError:
    HAVE_NETCDF = False
    logger.warning('No netCDF4 available, output is disabled')

[docs] def initialize(outputfile, outputvars, s, p, dimensions): '''Create empty CF-compatible netCDF4 output file Parameters ---------- outputfile : str Name of netCDF4 output file outputvars : dictionary Spatial grids to be written to netCDF4 output file s : dict Spatial grids p : dict Model configuration parameters dimensions : dict Dictionary that specifies a tuple with the named dimensions for each spatial grid (e.g. ('ny', 'nx', 'nfractions')) Examples -------- >>> netcdf.initialize('', ... ['Ct', 'Cu', 'zb'], ... ['avg', 'max'], ... s, p, {'Ct':('ny','nx','nfractions'), ... 'Cu':('ny','nx','nfractions'), ... 'zb':('ny','nx')}) ''' # abort if netCDF4 is not available if not HAVE_NETCDF: return with netCDF4.Dataset(outputfile, 'w') as nc: # add dimensions nc.createDimension('s', p['nx']+1) nc.createDimension('n', p['ny']+1) nc.createDimension('time', 0) nc.createDimension('nv', 2) nc.createDimension('nv2', 4) nc.createDimension('layers', p['nlayers']) nc.createDimension('fractions', p['nfractions']) # add global attributes # see nc.Conventions = 'CF-1.6' nc.Metadata_Conventions = 'Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0' #nc.featureType = 'grid' #nc.cdm_data_type = 'grid' nc.standard_name_vocabulary = 'CF-1.6' nc.title = '' nc.summary = '' nc.source = 'AeoLiS' = '' nc.naming_authority = '' nc.time_coverage_start = '' nc.time_coverage_end = '' nc.time_coverage_resolution = '' nc.geospatial_lat_min = 0 nc.geospatial_lat_max = 0 nc.geospatial_lat_units = 'degrees_north' nc.geospatial_lat_resolution = '' nc.geospatial_lon_min = 0 nc.geospatial_lon_max = 0 nc.geospatial_lon_units = 'degrees_east' nc.geospatial_lon_resolution = '' nc.geospatial_vertical_min = 0 nc.geospatial_vertical_max = 0 nc.geospatial_vertical_units = '' nc.geospatial_vertical_resolution = '' nc.geospatial_vertical_positive = '' nc.institution = '' nc.creator_name = '' nc.creator_url = '' nc.creator_email = '' nc.project = '' nc.processing_level = '' nc.references = '' nc.keywords_vocabulary = 'NASA/GCMD Earth Science Keywords. Version 6.0' nc.keywords = '' nc.acknowledgment = '' nc.comment = '' nc.contributor_name = '' nc.contributor_role = '' nc.date_created = datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ') nc.date_modified = datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ') nc.date_issued = datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ') nc.publisher_name = '' nc.publisher_email = '' nc.publisher_url = '' nc.history = '' nc.license = '' nc.metadata_link = '0' # add variables nc.createVariable('s', 'float32', (u's')) nc.variables['s'].long_name = 's-coordinate' nc.variables['s'].units = '1' nc.variables['s'].valid_min = -np.inf nc.variables['s'].valid_max = np.inf nc.createVariable('n', 'float32', (u'n')) nc.variables['n'].long_name = 'n-coordinate' nc.variables['n'].units = '1' nc.variables['n'].valid_min = -np.inf nc.variables['n'].valid_max = np.inf nc.createVariable('x', 'float32', (u'n', u's')) nc.variables['x'].long_name = 'x-coordinate' nc.variables['x'].standard_name = 'projection_x_coordinate' nc.variables['x'].units = 'm' nc.variables['x'].axis = 'X' nc.variables['x'].valid_min = -np.inf nc.variables['x'].valid_max = np.inf nc.variables['x'].bounds = 'x_bounds' nc.variables['x'].grid_mapping = 'crs' nc.createVariable('y', 'float32', (u'n', u's')) nc.variables['y'].long_name = 'y-coordinate' nc.variables['y'].standard_name = 'projection_y_coordinate' nc.variables['y'].units = 'm' nc.variables['y'].axis = 'Y' nc.variables['y'].valid_min = -np.inf nc.variables['y'].valid_max = np.inf nc.variables['y'].bounds = 'y_bounds' nc.variables['y'].grid_mapping = 'crs' nc.createVariable('layers', 'float32', (u'layers',)) nc.variables['layers'].long_name = 'bed layers' nc.variables['layers'].units = '1' nc.variables['layers'].valid_min = 0 nc.variables['layers'].valid_max = np.inf nc.createVariable('fractions', 'float32', (u'fractions',)) nc.variables['fractions'].long_name = 'sediment fractions' nc.variables['fractions'].units = 'm' nc.variables['fractions'].valid_min = 0 nc.variables['fractions'].valid_max = np.inf nc.createVariable('lat', 'float32', (u'n', u's')) nc.variables['lat'].long_name = 'latitude' nc.variables['lat'].standard_name = 'latitude' nc.variables['lat'].units = 'degrees_north' nc.variables['lat'].valid_min = -np.inf nc.variables['lat'].valid_max = np.inf nc.variables['lat'].bounds = 'lat_bounds' nc.variables['lat'].ancillary_variables = '' nc.createVariable('lon', 'float32', (u'n', u's')) nc.variables['lon'].long_name = 'longitude' nc.variables['lon'].standard_name = 'longitude' nc.variables['lon'].units = 'degrees_east' nc.variables['lon'].valid_min = -np.inf nc.variables['lon'].valid_max = np.inf nc.variables['lon'].bounds = 'lon_bounds' nc.variables['lon'].ancillary_variables = '' nc.createVariable('time', 'float64', (u'time',)) nc.variables['time'].long_name = 'time' nc.variables['time'].standard_name = 'time' nc.variables['time'].units = 'seconds since %s' % p['refdate'] nc.variables['time'].calendar = 'julian' nc.variables['time'].axis = 'T' nc.variables['time'].bounds = 'time_bounds' #nc.variables['time'].ancillary_variables = '' nc.createVariable('x_bounds', 'float32', (u's', u'n', u'nv')) nc.variables['x_bounds'].units = 'm' nc.variables['x_bounds'].comment = 'x-coordinate values at the upper and lower bounds of each pixel.' nc.createVariable('y_bounds', 'float32', (u's', u'n', u'nv')) nc.variables['y_bounds'].units = 'm' nc.variables['y_bounds'].comment = 'y-coordinate values at the left and right bounds of each pixel.' nc.createVariable('lat_bounds', 'float32', (u's', u'n', u'nv2')) nc.variables['lat_bounds'].units = 'degrees_north' nc.variables['lat_bounds'].comment = 'latitude values at the north and south bounds of each pixel.' nc.createVariable('lon_bounds', 'float32', (u's', u'n', u'nv2')) nc.variables['lon_bounds'].units = 'degrees_east' nc.variables['lon_bounds'].comment = 'longitude values at the west and east bounds of each pixel.' nc.createVariable('time_bounds', 'float32', (u'time', u'nv')) nc.variables['time_bounds'].units = 'seconds since %s' % p['refdate'] nc.variables['time_bounds'].comment = 'time bounds for each time value' meta = parse_metadata(outputvars) for var0, exts in outputvars.items(): if var0 not in s: continue if var0 not in dimensions: continue dims = ['time'] + [d[1:] for d in dimensions[var0]] dims = ['s' if d == 'x' else d for d in dims] dims = ['n' if d == 'y' else d for d in dims] for ext in exts: if ext is None: var = var0 else: var = '%s_%s' % (var0, ext) nc.createVariable(var, 'float32', dims) nc.variables[var].long_name = var #nc.variables[var].standard_name = 'sea_surface_height_above_mean_sea_level' nc.variables[var].scale_factor = 1.0 nc.variables[var].add_offset = 0.0 nc.variables[var].valid_min = -np.inf nc.variables[var].valid_max = np.inf nc.variables[var].coordinates = ' '.join(dims) nc.variables[var].grid_mapping = 'crs' nc.variables[var].source = '' nc.variables[var].references = '' #nc.variables[var].cell_methods = '' #nc.variables[var].ancillary_variables = '' #nc.variables[var].comment = '' if meta[var0]['units']: nc.variables[var].units = meta[var0]['units'] nc.createVariable('crs', 'int32', ()) nc.variables['crs'].grid_mapping_name = 'stereographic' nc.variables['crs'].epsg_code = 'EPSG:28992' nc.variables['crs'].semi_major_axis = 6377397.155 nc.variables['crs'].semi_minor_axis = 6356078.96282 nc.variables['crs'].inverse_flattening = 299.1528128 nc.variables['crs'].latitude_of_projection_origin = 52.0922178 nc.variables['crs'].longitude_of_projection_origin = 5.23155 nc.variables['crs'].scale_factor_at_projection_origin = 0.9999079 nc.variables['crs'].false_easting = 155000.0 nc.variables['crs'].false_northing = 463000.0 nc.variables['crs'].proj4_params = '+proj=sterea +lat_0=52.15616055555555 +lon_0=5.38763888888889 +k=0.999908 +x_0=155000 +y_0=463000 +ellps=bessel +units=m +towgs84=565.4174,50.3319,465.5542,-0.398957388243134,0.343987817378283,-1.87740163998045,4.0725 +no_defs' # store static data nc.variables['s'][:] = np.arange(p['nx']+1) nc.variables['n'][:] = np.arange(p['ny']+1) nc.variables['x'][:,:] = s['x'] nc.variables['y'][:,:] = s['y'] nc.variables['layers'][:] = np.arange(p['nlayers']) nc.variables['fractions'][:] = p['grain_size'] nc.variables['lat'][:,:] = 0. nc.variables['lon'][:,:] = 0. nc.variables['x_bounds'][:,:] = 0. nc.variables['y_bounds'][:,:] = 0. nc.variables['lat_bounds'][:,:] = 0. nc.variables['lon_bounds'][:,:] = 0. # store model settings writing arrays as attributes is not supported anymore if 0: for k, v in p.items(): if k.startswith('_'): continue k = 'par_%s' % k if v is None: nc.setncattr(k, -1) elif isinstance(v, bool): nc.setncattr(k, int(v)) else: nc.setncattr(k, np.real(v))
[docs] def append(outputfile, variables): '''Append variables to existing netCDF4 output file Increments the time axis length with one and appends the provided spatial grids along the time axis. The ``variables`` dictionary should at least have the ``time`` field indicating the current simulation time. The CF time bounds are updated accordingly. Parameters ---------- outputfile : str Name of netCDF4 output file variables : dict Dictionary with spatial grids and time Examples -------- >>> netcdf.append('', {'time', 3600., ... 'Ct', np.array([[0.,0., ... ,0.]]), ... 'Cu', np.array([[1.,1., ... ,1.]])) See Also -------- set_bounds ''' # abort if netCDF4 is not available if not HAVE_NETCDF: return with netCDF4.Dataset(outputfile, 'a') as nc: i = nc.variables['time'].shape[0] nc.variables['time'][i] = variables['time'] for k, v in variables.items(): if k == 'time': continue nc.variables[k][i,...] = v set_bounds(outputfile)
[docs] def set_bounds(outputfile): '''Sets CF time bounds Parameters ---------- outputfile : str Name of netCDF4 output file ''' # abort if netCDF4 is not available if not HAVE_NETCDF: return with netCDF4.Dataset(outputfile, 'a') as nc: i = nc.variables['time'].shape[0] - 1 nc.variables['time_bounds'][i,0] = 0 if i == 0 else nc.variables['time'][i-1] nc.variables['time_bounds'][i,1] = nc.variables['time'][i]
[docs] def dump(outputfile, dumpfile, var='mass', ix=-1): '''Dumps time slice from netCDF4 output file to ASCII file This function can be used to use a specific time slice from a netCDF4 output file as input file for another AeoLiS model run. For example, the bed composition from a spinup run can be used as initial composition for other runs reducing the spinup time. Parameters ---------- outputfile : str Name of netCDF4 output file dumpfile : str Name of ASCII dump file var : str, optional Name of spatial grid to be dumped (default: mass) ix : int Time slice index to be dumped (default: -1) Examples -------- >>> # use bedcomp_file = bedcomp.txt in model configuration file ... netcdf.dump('', 'bedcomp.txt', var='mass') ''' # abort if netCDF4 is not available if not HAVE_NETCDF: return with netCDF4.Dataset(outputfile, 'r') as ds: m = ds.variables[var][ix,...] np.savetxt(dumpfile, m.reshape((-1, m.shape[1])))
[docs] def parse_metadata(outputvars): '''Parse metadata from Parses the Python comments in to extract meta data, like units, for the model state variables that can be used as netCDF4 meta data. Parameters ---------- outputvars : dictionary Spatial grids to be written to netCDF4 output file Returns ------- meta : dict Dictionary with meta data for the output variables ''' pyfile = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], '') meta = {var:{'units':None} for var in outputvars.keys()} if os.path.exists(pyfile): with open(pyfile, 'r') as fp: for line in fp: m = re.match('^\s*\'(.*)\',\s*#\s*\[(.*)\]', line) if m: var, units = m.groups() if var in meta.keys(): if units == '-': meta[var]['units'] = '1' else: meta[var]['units'] = units return meta