Source code for hydro

'''This file is part of AeoLiS.
AeoLiS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
AeoLiS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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AeoLiS  Copyright (C) 2015 Bas Hoonhout
Deltares                         Delft University of Technology
Unit of Hydraulic Engineering    Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Boussinesqweg 1                  Stevinweg 1
2629 HVDelft                     2628CN Delft
The Netherlands                  The Netherlands


from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import logging
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numba import njit
from scipy.interpolate import NearestNDInterpolator

# package modules
from aeolis.utils import *

# initialize logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def interpolate(s, p, t): '''Interpolate hydrodynamic and meteorological conditions to current time step Interpolates the hydrodynamic and meteorological time series to the current time step, if available. Meteorological parameters are stored as dictionary rather than a single value. Parameters ---------- s : dict Spatial grids p : dict Model configuration parameters t : float Current time Returns ------- dict Spatial grids ''' if p['process_tide']: # Check if SWL or zs are not provided by some external model # In that case, skip initialization if ('zs' not in p['external_vars']) : if p['tide_file'] is not None: s['SWL'][:,:] = interp_circular(t, p['tide_file'][:,0], p['tide_file'][:,1]) else: s['SWL'][:,:] = 0. # apply complex mask s['SWL'] = apply_mask(s['SWL'], s['tide_mask']) # External model input: elif ('zs' in p['external_vars']): s['SWL'] = s['zs'][:] s['SWL'] = apply_mask(s['SWL'], s['tide_mask']) # The dry points have to be filtered out, to prevent issues with run-up calculation later iwet = s['zs'] - s['zb'] > 2. * p['eps'] s['SWL'][~iwet] = np.NaN mask = np.where(~np.isnan(s['SWL'])) interp = NearestNDInterpolator(np.transpose(mask), s['SWL'][mask]) s['SWL'] = interp( * np.indices(s['SWL'].shape)) # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # pc = plt.pcolormesh(s['x'], s['y'], s['SWL'])#, vmin=1, vmax=1.3) # ax.set_aspect('equal') # fig.colorbar(pc, ax=ax) # print('!Be carefull, according to current implementation of importing waterlevel from Flexible Mesh, SWL is equal to DSWL = zs!') logger.warning('!Be carefull, according to current implementation of importing waterlevel from Flexible Mesh, SWL is equal to DSWL = zs!') else: s['SWL'] = s['zb'] * 0. # Check if Hs or Tp are not provided by some external model # In that case, skip initialization if ('Hs' not in p['external_vars']) and ('Tp' not in p['external_vars']): if p['process_wave'] and p['wave_file'] is not None: # First compute wave height, than run-up + set-up and finally wave height including set-up for mixing # determine water depth h = np.maximum(0., s['SWL'] - s['zb']) s['Hs'][:,:] = interp_circular(t, p['wave_file'][:,0], p['wave_file'][:,1]) s['Tp'][:,:] = interp_circular(t, p['wave_file'][:,0], p['wave_file'][:,2]) s['Hs'] = np.minimum(h * p['gamma'], s['Hs']) # apply complex mask s['Hs'] = apply_mask(s['Hs'], s['wave_mask']) s['Tp'] = apply_mask(s['Tp'], s['wave_mask']) else: s['Hs'] = s['zb'] * 0. s['Tp'] = s['zb'] * 0. # apply complex mask (also for external model input) else: s['Hs'] = apply_mask(s['Hs'], s['wave_mask']) s['Tp'] = apply_mask(s['Tp'], s['wave_mask']) if p['process_runup']: ny = p['ny'] if ('Hs' not in p['external_vars']): for iy in range(ny + 1): # do this computation seperately on every y for now so alongshore variable wave runup can be added in the future hs = s['Hs'][iy][0] tp = s['Tp'][iy][0] wl = s['SWL'][iy][0] eta, sigma_s, R = calc_runup_stockdon(hs, tp, p['beach_slope']) s['R'][iy][:] = R s['eta'][iy][:] = eta s['sigma_s'][iy][:] = sigma_s if hasattr(s['runup_mask'], "__len__"): s['eta'][iy][:] = apply_mask(s['eta'][iy][:], s['runup_mask'][iy][:]) s['R'][iy][:] = apply_mask(s['R'][iy][:], s['runup_mask'][iy][:]) s['TWL'][iy][:] = s['SWL'][iy][:] + s['R'][iy][:] s['DSWL'][iy][:] = s['SWL'][iy][:] + s['eta'][iy][:] # Was s['zs'] before if ('Hs' in p['external_vars']): eta, sigma_s, R = calc_runup_stockdon(s['Hs'], s['Tp'], p['beach_slope']) s['R'][:] = R if hasattr(s['runup_mask'], "__len__"): s['eta'] = apply_mask(s['eta'], s['runup_mask']) s['R'] = apply_mask(s['R'], s['runup_mask']) s['TWL'][:] = s['SWL'][:] + s['R'][:] s['DSWL'][:] = s['SWL'][:] # + s['eta'][:] # DSWL is actually provided by FM (?) if p['process_wave'] and p['wave_file'] is not None: h_mix = np.maximum(0., s['TWL'] - s['zb']) s['Hsmix'][:,:] = interp_circular(t, p['wave_file'][:,0], p['wave_file'][:,1]) s['Hsmix'] = np.minimum(h_mix * p['gamma'], s['Hsmix']) # apply complex mask s['Hsmix'] = apply_mask(s['Hsmix'], s['wave_mask']) if p['process_moist'] and p['method_moist_process'].lower() == 'surf_moisture' and p['meteo_file'] is not None: m = interp_array(t, p['meteo_file'][:,0], p['meteo_file'][:,1:], circular=True) #Meteorological parameters (Symbols according to KNMI, units according to the Penman's equation) # T: Temperature, Degrees Celsius # Q : Global radiation, MJ/m2/d # RH : Precipitation, mm/h # P : Atmospheric pressure, kPa # U: Relative humidity, % s['meteo'] = dict(zip(('T','Q','RH','P','U') , m)) # Ensure compatibility with XBeach: zs >= zb s['zs'] = s['SWL'].copy() ix = (s['zb'] > s['zs']) s['zs'][ix] = s['zb'][ix] return s
[docs] def update(s, p, dt,t): '''Update soil moisture content Updates soil moisture content in all cells. The soil moisure content is computed either with the infiltration-method or surface_moist method. The infiltration method accounts for surface moisture as a function of runup and the subsequent infiltration and evaporation. The surface_moist method takes into account the effect of wave runup, precipitation, evaporation, infiltration, and capillary rise from the groundwater table. Parameters ---------- s : dict Spatial grids p : dict Model configuration parameters dt : float Current time step Returns ------- dict Spatial grids ''' # Groundwater level Boussinesq (1D CS-transects) if p['process_groundwater']: #Initialize GW levels if t == p['tstart']: s['gw'][:,:] = p['in_gw'] s['gw_prev'] = s['gw'] s['wetting'] = s['gw'] > s['gw_prev'] #Specify wetting or drying conditions in previous timestep s['wetting'] = s['gw'] > s['gw_prev'] #Save groundwater from previous timestep s['gw_prev'] = s['gw'] #Decrease timestep for GW computations dt_gw = int(dt / p['tfac_gw']) for i in range(int(dt / dt_gw)): t_gw = t + i * dt_gw interpolate(s,p,t_gw) #Define index of shoreline location shl_ix =np.argmax(s['zb'] > s['DSWL'],axis=1) - 1 #Define index of runup limit runup_ix =np.argmax(s['zb'] > s['TWL'],axis=1) - 1 # Landward boundary condition if p['boundary_gw'].lower() == 'no_flow': #Define landward boundary dgw/dx=0 bound = 0 elif p['boundary_gw'].lower() == 'static': #Define landward boundary bound = 1 else: logger.log_and_raise('Unknown landward groundwater boundary condition' % p['boundary_gw'], exc=ValueError) #Runge-Kutta timestepping f1 = Boussinesq(s['gw'],s['DSWL'], s['ds'], p['GW_stat'], p['K_gw'], p['ne_gw'], p['D_gw'],shl_ix, bound,s['zb'],p['process_seepage_face']) f2 = Boussinesq(s['gw'] + dt_gw / 2 * f1,s['DSWL'], s['ds'], p['GW_stat'], p['K_gw'], p['ne_gw'], p['D_gw'], shl_ix, bound,s['zb'],p['process_seepage_face']) f3 = Boussinesq(s['gw'] + dt_gw / 2 * f2,s['DSWL'], s['ds'], p['GW_stat'], p['K_gw'], p['ne_gw'], p['D_gw'], shl_ix, bound,s['zb'],p['process_seepage_face']) f4 = Boussinesq(s['gw'] + dt_gw * f3,s['DSWL'], s['ds'], p['GW_stat'], p['K_gw'], p['ne_gw'], p['D_gw'], shl_ix, bound,s['zb'],p['process_seepage_face']) #Update groundwater level s['gw'] = s['gw'] + dt_gw / 6 * (f1 + 2 * f2 + 2 * f3 + f4) #Add infiltration from wave runup according to Nielsen (1990) if p['process_wave']: #Compute f(x) = distribution of infiltrated water fx=np.zeros(s['gw'].shape) fx_ix=np.zeros_like(shl_ix) runup_overheight_distr(fx, fx_ix, shl_ix, runup_ix, s['x']) # Update groundwater level with overheight due to runup s['gw'] = s['gw'] + p['Cl_gw'] * fx # Apply GW complex mask s['gw'] = apply_mask(s['gw'], s['gw_mask']) # Do not allow GW levels above ground level s['gw']=np.minimum(s['gw'], s['zb']) # Define cells below setup level ixg=s['zb'] < s['DSWL'] # Set gw level to setup level in cells below setup level s['gw'][ixg]=s['DSWL'][ixg] # Compute surface moisture with infiltration method using Darcy if p['process_moist']: if p['method_moist_process'].lower() == 'infiltration': F1 = -np.log(.5) / p['Tdry'] ix = s['TWL'] - s['zb'] > p['eps'] s['moist'][ ix] = p['porosity'] s['moist'][~ix] *= np.exp(-F1 * dt) s['moist'][:,:] = np.maximum(0.,np.minimum(p['porosity'],\ s['moist'][:,:])) # Compute surface moisture accounting for runup, capillary rise and precipitation/evaporation elif p['method_moist_process'].lower() == 'surf_moisture': if p['process_groundwater'] is None : logger.log_and_raise('process_groundwater is not activated, the groundwater level is not computed within the program but set constant at 0 m', exc=ValueError) #Infiltration F1 = -np.log(.5) / p['Tdry'] s['moist'] += np.minimum(0,(s['moist']-p['fc'])*(np.exp(-F1*dt)-1)) #If the cell is flooded (runup) in this timestep, assume satiation ix = s['TWL'] > s['zb'] s['moist'][ix] = p['satd_moist'] #Update surface moisture with respect to evaporation, condensation, and precipitation met = s['meteo'] evo = evaporation(s,p,met) evo = evo / 24. / 3600. / 1000. # convert evaporation from mm/day to m/s pcp = met['RH'] / 3600. / 1000. # convert precipitation from mm/hr to m/s s['moist'][~ix] = np.maximum(s['moist'][~ix] + (pcp - evo[~ix]) * dt / p['thick_moist'], p['resw_moist']) s['moist'][~ix] = np.minimum(s['moist'][~ix],p['satd_moist']) #Compute surface moisture due to capillary processes (van Genuchten and Mualem II) #Compute distance from gw table to the soil surface h=np.maximum(0,(s['zb'] - s['gw']) * 100) #h in cm to match convention of alfa (cm-1) if p['process_scanning']: #Initialize value of surface moisture due to capillary rise if t == 0: s['moist_swr'] = p['resw_moist'] + (p['satw_moist'] - p['resw_moist']) \ / (1 + abs(p['alfaw_moist'] * h) ** p['nw_moist']) ** p['mw_moist'] s['h_delta'][:,:]=np.maximum(0,(s['zb'] - s['gw'])*100) s['scan_w'][:,:] == False s['scan_d'][:,:] == False else: #Compute h_delta s['h_delta'] = hdelta(s['wetting'], s['scan_w'], s['gw'],s['gw_prev'],s['scan_d'],s['h_delta'],s['zb'],s['scan_w_moist'],s['scan_d_moist'],s['w_h'],p['satd_moist'],s['d_h'],p['satw_moist'],p['alfaw_moist'],p['alfad_moist'],p['resw_moist'],p['resd_moist'],p['mw_moist'],p['md_moist'],p['nw_moist'],p['nd_moist']) #Compute moisture of h for the wetting curve s['w_h'] = p['resw_moist'] + (p['satw_moist'] - p['resw_moist']) \ / (1 + abs(p['alfaw_moist'] * h) ** p['nw_moist']) ** p['mw_moist'] #Compute moisture of h_delta for the wetting curve s['w_hdelta'] = p['resw_moist'] + (p['satw_moist'] - p['resw_moist']) \ / (1 + abs(p['alfaw_moist'] * s['h_delta']) ** p['nw_moist']) ** p['mw_moist'] #Compute moisture of h for the drying curve s['d_h'] = p['resd_moist'] + (p['satd_moist'] - p['resd_moist']) \ / (1 + abs(p['alfad_moist'] * h) ** p['nd_moist']) ** p['md_moist'] #Compute moisture of h_delta for the drying curve s['d_hdelta'] = p['resd_moist'] + (p['satd_moist'] - p['resd_moist']) \ / (1 + abs(p['alfad_moist'] * s['h_delta']) ** p['nd_moist']) ** p['md_moist'] #Compute moisture content with the wetting scanning curve s['scan_w_moist'] = np.maximum(np.minimum(s['w_h'] + (p['satw_moist'] - s['w_h']) / np.maximum(p['satw_moist'] - s['w_hdelta'],0.0001) \ * (s['d_hdelta'] - s['w_hdelta']),s['d_h']),s['w_h']) #Compute moisture content with the drying scanning curve s['scan_d_moist'] = np.maximum(np.minimum(s['w_h'] + (s['w_hdelta'] - s['w_h']) / np.maximum(p['satd_moist'] - s['w_h'],0.0001) \ * (s['d_h'] - s['w_h']), s['d_h']),s['w_h']) #Select SWR curve to compute moisture content due to capillary processes s['moist_swr'], s['scan_d'], s['scan_w'] = SWR_curve(s['wetting'],s['gw'],s['gw_prev'],s['scan_w'],s['moist_swr'],s['w_h'],s['scan_d'],s['scan_w_moist'],s['d_h'],s['scan_d_moist']) else: ixw = s['wetting'] == True s['moist_swr'][ixw] = p['resw_moist'] + (p['satw_moist'] - p['resw_moist']) \ / (1 + abs(p['alfaw_moist'] * h[ixw]) ** p['nw_moist']) ** p['mw_moist'] s['moist_swr'][~ixw] = p['resd_moist'] + (p['satd_moist'] - p['resd_moist']) \ / (1 + abs(p['alfad_moist'] * h[~ixw]) ** p['nd_moist']) ** p['md_moist'] #Update surface moisture with respect to capillary processes s['moist'] = np.minimum(np.maximum(s['moist'],s['moist_swr']),p['satd_moist']) else: logger.log_and_raise('Unknown moisture process formulation [%s]' % p['method_moist_process'], exc=ValueError) # salinitation if p['process_salt']: met = s['meteo'] F2 = -np.log(.5) / p['Tsalt'] s['salt'][ ix,0] = 1. s['salt'][~ix,0] *= np.exp(-F2 * dt) pcp = met['RH'] / 3600. / 1000. # convert precipitation from mm/hr to m/s s['salt'][:,:,0] = np.minimum(1., s['salt'][:,:,0] + pcp * dt / p['layer_thickness']) return s
[docs] @njit def Boussinesq (GW, DSWL, ds, GW_stat, K_gw, ne_gw, D_gw,shl_ix, bound,zb,process_seepage_face): ''' Add description ''' #Define seaward boundary gw=setup for i in range (len(GW[:,0])): GW[i,shl_ix[i]] = DSWL[i,shl_ix[i]] GW[i,shl_ix[i-1]] = DSWL[i,shl_ix[i-1]] # GW[:,shl_ix] = s['DSWL'][:,shl_ix] # GW[:,shl_ix-1] = s['DSWL'][:,shl_ix-1] if bound == 0: #Define landward boundary dgw/dx=0 GW[:,-1] = GW[:,-4] GW[:,-2] = GW[:,-4] GW[:,-3] = GW[:,-4] elif bound == 1: #Define landward boundary GW[:,-1] = GW_stat GW[:,-2] = GW_stat GW[:,-3] = GW_stat #Set GW levels to ground level within seepage face if process_seepage_face: ixs = np.argmin(GW + 0.05 >= zb,axis=1) for i in range(len(ixs)): if shl_ix[i] < ixs[i] - 1: GW[i,shl_ix[i]:ixs[i]-1] = zb[i,shl_ix[i]:ixs[i]-1] #Compute groundwater level change dGW/dt (Boussinesq equation) dGW = np.zeros(GW.shape) a = np.zeros(GW.shape) b = np.zeros(GW.shape) c = np.zeros(GW.shape) for i in range(len(a[:,0])): if shl_ix[i] < len(a[0,:]) - 3: a[i,shl_ix[i]:-2]=(GW[i,shl_ix[i]+1:-1] - 2 * GW[i,shl_ix[i]:-2] + GW[i,shl_ix[i]-1:-3]) / ds[i,shl_ix[i]:-2] ** 2 b[i,shl_ix[i]:-2]=(GW[i,shl_ix[i]:-2] * (GW[i,shl_ix[i]+1:-1] + GW[i,shl_ix[i]-1:-3])) / ds[i,shl_ix[i]:-2] c[i,shl_ix[i]+1:-3]=(b[i,shl_ix[i]+2:-2]-b[i,shl_ix[i]:-4])/ds[i,shl_ix[i]+1:-3] dGW[i,shl_ix[i]+1:-3]=K_gw / ne_gw * (D_gw * a[i,shl_ix[i]+1:-3] + c[i,shl_ix[i]+1:-3]) return dGW
[docs] @njit def runup_overheight_distr(fx, fx_ix,shl_ix,runup_ix, x): ''' Add description ''' for i in range(len(fx[:,0])): #Define index of peak f(x) fx_ix[i] = (shl_ix[i]) + (2/3 * (runup_ix[i] - shl_ix[i])) #Compute f(X) fx[i,shl_ix[i]:fx_ix[i]] = (x[i,shl_ix[i]:fx_ix[i]] - x[i,shl_ix[i]]) / (2 / 3 * (x[i,runup_ix[i]] - x[i,shl_ix[i]])) fx[i,fx_ix[i]+1:runup_ix[i]] = 3 - (x[i,fx_ix[i]+1:runup_ix[i]]- x[i,shl_ix[i]]) / (1 / 3 * (x[i,runup_ix[i]] - x[i,shl_ix[i]])) fx[i,fx_ix[i]]=1 return fx
@njit def hdelta(wetting, scan_w, gw,gw_prev,scan_d,h_delta,zb,scan_w_moist,scan_d_moist,w_h,satd_moist,d_h,satw_moist,alfaw_moist,alfad_moist,resw_moist,resd_moist,mw_moist,md_moist,nw_moist,nd_moist): for i in range(len(wetting[:,0])): for j in range(len(wetting[0,:])): #Compute h delta on the main drying and wetting curve if scan_w[i,j] == False and wetting[i,j] == True and gw[i,j] < gw_prev[i,j] or scan_d[i,j] == False and wetting[i,j] == False and gw[i,j] > gw_prev[i,j]: h_delta[i,j]=np.maximum(0,(zb[i,j] - gw[i,j])*100) #Compute h_delta if there is a reversal on the wetting scanning curve if scan_w[i,j] == True and wetting[i,j] == True and gw[i,j] < gw_prev[i,j]: #Solve hdelta from drying scanning curve for which moist(h) on drying scanning curve equals moist(h) on wetting scanning curve #intermediate solution: w_hdelta_int = np.minimum((scan_w_moist[i,j] - w_h[i,j]) * (satd_moist - w_h[i,j]) / (d_h[i,j] - w_h[i,j]) + w_h[i,j], satw_moist) #Solve hdelta from wetting curve h_delta[i,j] = np.maximum( 1 / alfaw_moist * (((satw_moist - resw_moist) \ / np.maximum((w_hdelta_int - resw_moist),0.00001)) ** (1 / mw_moist) - 1) ** (1 / nw_moist),0) #Compute h_delta if there is a reversal on the drying scanning curve if scan_d[i,j] == True and wetting[i,j] == False and gw[i,j] > gw_prev[i,j]: #Solve hdelta from wetting scanning curve for which moist(h) on wetting scanning curve equals moist(h) on drying scanning curve #Simple iteration method h_delta_it=0 #initialize hdelta F_hdelta =1 while F_hdelta > 0.01: h_delta_it = h_delta_it + 0.01 w_hdelta = (resw_moist + (satw_moist - resw_moist) / (1 + np.abs(alfaw_moist * h_delta_it) ** nw_moist) ** mw_moist) d_hdelta = (resd_moist + (satd_moist - resd_moist) / (1 + np.abs(alfad_moist * h_delta_it) ** nd_moist) ** md_moist) F_hdelta = w_h[i,j] + (satw_moist - w_h[i,j]) / np.maximum(satw_moist - w_hdelta,0.0001) * (d_hdelta - w_hdelta) - scan_d_moist[i,j] h_delta[i,j] = h_delta_it return h_delta @njit def SWR_curve(wetting,gw,gw_prev,scan_w,moist_swr,w_h,scan_d,scan_w_moist,d_h,scan_d_moist): for i in range(len(wetting[:,0])): for j in range(len(wetting[0,:])): #Wetting conditions main curve if gw[i,j] >= gw_prev[i,j] and wetting[i,j] == True and scan_w[i,j] == False: moist_swr[i,j]=w_h[i,j] scan_w[i,j] = False scan_d[i,j] = False #wetting conditions, timestep of reversal - move onto wetting scanning curve elif gw[i,j] >= gw_prev[i,j] and wetting[i,j] == False: moist_swr[i,j] = scan_w_moist[i,j] scan_w[i,j] = scan_w_moist[i,j] > w_h[i,j] scan_d[i,j] = False #wetting conditions - followed a wetting scanning curve in previous timestep - continue following scanning curve unless main curve is reached elif gw[i,j] >= gw_prev[i,j] and wetting[i,j] == True and scan_w[i,j] == True: moist_swr[i,j] = scan_w_moist[i,j] scan_w[i,j] = scan_w_moist[i,j] > w_h[i,j] scan_d[i,j] = False #Drying conditions main curve elif gw[i,j] < gw_prev[i,j] and wetting[i,j] == False and scan_d[i,j] == False: moist_swr[i,j]=d_h[i,j] scan_d[i,j] = False scan_w[i,j] = False #Drying conditions, timestep of reversal - move onto a drying scanning curve elif gw[i,j] < gw_prev[i,j] and wetting[i,j] == True: moist_swr[i,j] = scan_d_moist[i,j] scan_d[i,j] = scan_d_moist[i,j] < d_h[i,j] scan_w[i,j] = False #Drying conditions - followed a drying scanning curve in previous timestep - continue following scanning curve unless main curve is reached elif gw[i,j] < gw_prev[i,j] and wetting[i,j] == False and scan_d[i,j] == True: moist_swr[i,j] = scan_d_moist[i,j] scan_d[i,j] = scan_d_moist[i,j] < d_h[i,j] scan_w[i,j] = False return moist_swr, scan_d, scan_w
[docs] def evaporation(s,p,met): '''Compute evaporation according to the Penman equation (Shuttleworth, 1993) Parameters ---------- s : dict Spatial grids p : dict Model configuration parameters met : dict meteorologial parameters T: Temperature, degrees Celsius Q : Global radiation, MJ/m2/d P : Atmospheric pressure, kPa U: Relative humidity, % Returns ------- float Evaporation (mm/day) ''' l = 2.26 #latent heat of vaporization of water (MJ/kg) m = vaporation_pressure_slope(met['T']) # [kPa/K] delta = saturation_pressure(met['T']) * (1. - met['U'] / 100) # vapor pressure deficit [kPa] gamma = (p['cpair'] * met['P']) / (.622 * l) # [kPa/K] u2 = .174 / np.log10(p['z'] / 2.) * s['uw'] # [m/s] evo =(m * met['Q'] + 6.43 * gamma * delta * (1. + 0.86 * u2)) \ / (l * (m + gamma)) return evo
[docs] def vaporation_pressure_slope(T): '''Compute vaporation pressure slope based on air temperature Parameters ---------- T : float Air temperature in degrees Celcius Returns ------- float Vaporation pressure slope ''' # Tetens, 1930; Murray, 1967 s = 4098. * saturation_pressure(T) / (T + 237.3)**2 # [kPa/K] return s
[docs] def saturation_pressure(T): '''Compute saturation pressure based on air temperature, Tetens equation Parameters ---------- T : float Air temperature in degrees Celcius Returns ------- float Saturation pressure ''' vp = 0.6108 * np.exp(17.27 * T / (T + 237.3)) # [kPa] return vp
[docs] def calc_runup_stockdon(Ho, Tp, beta): """ Calculate runup according to /Stockdon et al 2006. """ if hasattr(Ho, "__len__"): R = np.zeros(np.shape(Ho)) sigma_s = np.zeros(np.shape(Ho)) eta = np.zeros(np.shape(Ho)) Lo = 9.81 * Tp * Tp / (2 * np.pi) #wavelength iribarren = beta / (Ho / Lo) ** (0.5) #irribarren number i_iri = (Ho > 0) * (iribarren < 0.3) R[i_iri] = 0.043 * np.sqrt(Ho[i_iri] * Lo[i_iri]) #formula for dissipative conditions sigma_s[i_iri] = 0.046 * np.sqrt(Ho[i_iri] * Lo[i_iri]) /2 eta[i_iri] = R[i_iri] - sigma_s[i_iri] i_iri = (Ho > 0) * (iribarren > 0.3) nsigma = 2 # nsigma=1 for R16% and nsigma=2 for R2% eta[i_iri] = 0.35 * beta * np.sqrt(Ho[i_iri] * Lo[i_iri]) sigma_s[i_iri] = np.sqrt(Ho[i_iri] * Lo[i_iri] * (0.563 * (beta * beta) + 0.0004)) * nsigma / 2 / 2 R[i_iri] = 1.1 * (eta[i_iri] + sigma_s[i_iri]) #result for non-dissipative conditions else: if Ho > 0 and Tp > 0 and beta > 0: Lo = 9.81 * Tp * Tp / (2 * np.pi) #wavelength iribarren = beta / (Ho / Lo) ** (0.5) #irribarren number if iribarren < 0.3: R = 0.043 * np.sqrt(Ho * Lo) #formula for dissipative conditions sigma_s = 0.046 * np.sqrt(Ho * Lo) /2 eta = R - sigma_s else: nsigma = 2 # nsigma=1 for R16% and nsigma=2 for R2% Lo = 9.81 * Tp * Tp /(2 * np.pi) eta = 0.35 * beta * np.sqrt(Ho * Lo) sigma_s = np.sqrt(Ho * Lo * (0.563 * (beta * beta) + 0.0004)) * nsigma / 2 / 2 R = 1.1 * (eta + sigma_s) #result for non-dissipative conditions else: R = 0 sigma_s = 0 eta = 0 return eta, sigma_s, R