Default settings

The AeoLiS model can be configured using a model configuration file. For any configuration parameters not defined in the model configuration file, or in case the model configuration file is absent, the default model configuration is used. The default model configuration is listed below.

    'process_wind'                  : True,               # Enable the process of wind
    'process_transport'             : True,               # Enable the process of transport
    'process_bedupdate'             : True,               # Enable the process of bed updating
    'process_threshold'             : True,               # Enable the process of threshold
    'th_grainsize'                  : True,               # Enable wind velocity threshold based on grainsize
    'th_bedslope'                   : False,              # Enable wind velocity threshold based on bedslope
    'th_moisture'                   : False,               # Enable wind velocity threshold based on moisture
    'th_drylayer'                   : False,              # Enable threshold based on drying of layer
    'th_humidity'                   : False,              # Enable wind velocity threshold based on humidity
    'th_salt'                       : False,              # Enable wind velocity threshold based on salt
    'th_sheltering'                 : False,               # Enable wind velocity threshold based on sheltering by roughness elements
    'th_nelayer'                    : False,              # Enable wind velocity threshold based on a non-erodible layer
    'process_avalanche'             : False,               # Enable the process of avalanching
    'process_shear'                 : False,               # Enable the process of wind shear
    'process_tide'                  : False,               # Enable the process of tides
    'process_wave'                  : False,               # Enable the process of waves
    'process_runup'                 : False,               # Enable the process of wave runup
    'process_moist'                 : False,               # Enable the process of moist
    'process_mixtoplayer'           : False,               # Enable the process of mixing 
    'process_wet_bed_reset'         : False,               # Enable the process of bed-reset in the intertidal zone
    'process_meteo'                 : False,              # Enable the process of meteo
    'process_salt'                  : False,              # Enable the process of salt
    'process_humidity'              : False,              # Enable the process of humidity
    'process_groundwater'           : False,        #NEWCH      # Enable the process of groundwater
    'process_scanning'              : False,         #NEWCH      # Enable the process of scanning curves
    'process_inertia'               : False,              # NEW
    'process_separation'            : False,               # Enable the including of separation bubble
    'process_vegetation'            : False,              # Enable the process of vegetation
    'process_fences'                : False,              # Enable the process of sand fencing
    'process_dune_erosion'          : False,              # Enable the process of wave-driven dune erosion
    'process_seepage_face'          : False,              # Enable the process of groundwater seepage (NB. only applicable to positive beach slopes)
    'visualization'                 : False,               # Boolean for visualization of model interpretation before and just after initialization
    'xgrid_file'                    : None,               # Filename of ASCII file with x-coordinates of grid cells
    'ygrid_file'                    : None,               # Filename of ASCII file with y-coordinates of grid cells
    'bed_file'                      : None,               # Filename of ASCII file with bed level heights of grid cells
    'wind_file'                     : None,               # Filename of ASCII file with time series of wind velocity and direction
    'tide_file'                     : None,               # Filename of ASCII file with time series of water levels
    'wave_file'                     : None,               # Filename of ASCII file with time series of wave heights
    'meteo_file'                    : None,               # Filename of ASCII file with time series of meteorlogical conditions
    'bedcomp_file'                  : None,               # Filename of ASCII file with initial bed composition
    'threshold_file'                : None,               # Filename of ASCII file with shear velocity threshold
    'fence_file'                    : None,               # Filename of ASCII file with sand fence location/height (above the bed)
    'ne_file'                       : None,               # Filename of ASCII file with non-erodible layer
    'veg_file'                      : None,               # Filename of ASCII file with initial vegetation density
    'wave_mask'                     : None,               # Filename of ASCII file with mask for wave height
    'tide_mask'                     : None,               # Filename of ASCII file with mask for tidal elevation
    'runup_mask'                    : None,               # Filename of ASCII file with mask for run-up
    'threshold_mask'                : None,               # Filename of ASCII file with mask for the shear velocity threshold
    'gw_mask'                       : None,         #NEWCH      # Filename of ASCII file with mask for the groundwater level
    'nx'                            : 0,                  # [-] Number of grid cells in x-dimension
    'ny'                            : 0,                  # [-] Number of grid cells in y-dimension
    'dt'                            : 60.,                # [s] Time step size
    'dx'                            : 1.,
    'dy'                            : 1.,
    'CFL'                           : 1.,                 # [-] CFL number to determine time step in explicit scheme
    'accfac'                        : 1.,                 # [-] Numerical acceleration factor
    'max_bedlevel_change'           : 999.,               # [m] Maximum bedlevel change after one timestep. Next timestep dt will be modified (use 999. if not used)
    'tstart'                        : 0.,                 # [s] Start time of simulation
    'tstop'                         : 3600.,              # [s] End time of simulation
    'restart'                       : None,               # [s] Interval for which to write restart files
    'dzb_interval'                  : 86400,              # [s] Interval used for calcuation of vegetation growth
    'output_times'                  : 60.,                # [s] Output interval in seconds of simulation time
    'output_file'                   : None,               # Filename of netCDF4 output file
    'output_vars'                   : ['zb', 'zs',
                                       'Ct', 'Cu',
                                       'uw', 'udir', 
                                       'uth', 'mass'
                                       'pickup', 'w'],    # Names of spatial grids to be included in output
    'output_types'                  : [],                 # Names of statistical parameters to be included in output (avg, sum, var, min or max)
    'external_vars'                 : [],                 # Names of variables that are overwritten by an external (coupling) model, i.e. CoCoNuT
    'grain_size'                    : [225e-6],           # [m] Average grain size of each sediment fraction
    'grain_dist'                    : [1.],               # [-] Initial distribution of sediment fractions
    'nlayers'                       : 3,                  # [-] Number of bed layers
    'layer_thickness'               : .01,                # [m] Thickness of bed layers
    'g'                             : 9.81,               # [m/s^2] Gravitational constant
    'v'                             : 0.000015,           # [m^2/s] Air viscosity  
    'rhoa'                          : 1.225,              # [kg/m^3] Air density
    'rhog'                          : 2650.,              # [kg/m^3] Grain density
    'rhow'                          : 1025.,              # [kg/m^3] Water density
    'porosity'                      : .4,                 # [-] Sediment porosity
    'Aa'                            : .085,               # [-] Constant in formulation for wind velocity threshold based on grain size
    'z'                             : 10.,                # [m] Measurement height of wind velocity
    'h'                             : None,               # [m] Representative height of saltation layer
    'k'                             : 0.001,              # [m] Bed roughness
    'L'                             : 100.,               # [m] Typical length scale of dune feature (perturbation)
    'l'                             : 10.,                # [m] Inner layer height (perturbation)
    'c_b'                           : 0.2,                # [-] Slope at the leeside of the separation bubble # c = 0.2 according to Durán 2010 (Sauermann 2001: c = 0.25 for 14 degrees)
    'mu_b'                          : 30,                 # [deg] Minimum required slope for the start of flow separation
    'buffer_width'                  : 10,                 # [m] Width of the bufferzone around the rotational grid for wind perturbation
    'sep_filter_iterations'         : 0,                  # [-] Number of filtering iterations on the sep-bubble (0 = no filtering)
    'zsep_y_filter'                 : False,              # [-] Boolean for turning on/off the filtering of the separation bubble in y-direction
    'Cb'                            : 1.5,                # [-] Constant in bagnold formulation for equilibrium sediment concentration
    'Ck'                            : 2.78,               # [-] Constant in kawamura formulation for equilibrium sediment concentration
    'Cl'                            : 6.7,                # [-] Constant in lettau formulation for equilibrium sediment concentration
    'Cdk'                           : 5.,                 # [-] Constant in DK formulation for equilibrium sediment concentration
    # 'm'                             : 0.5,                # [-] Factor to account for difference between average and maximum shear stress
#    'alpha'                         : 0.4,               # [-] Relation of vertical component of ejection velocity and horizontal velocity difference between impact and ejection
    'kappa'                         : 0.41,               # [-] Von Kármán constant
    'sigma'                         : 4.2,                # [-] Ratio between basal area and frontal area of roughness elements
    'beta'                          : 130.,               # [-] Ratio between drag coefficient of roughness elements and bare surface
    'bi'                            : 1.,                 # [-] Bed interaction factor
    'T'                             : 1.,                 # [s] Adaptation time scale in advection equation
    'Tdry'                          : 3600.*1.5,          # [s] Adaptation time scale for soil drying
    'Tsalt'                         : 3600.*24.*30.,      # [s] Adaptation time scale for salinitation
    'Tbedreset'                     : 86400.,             # [s] 
    'eps'                           : 1e-3,               # [m] Minimum water depth to consider a cell "flooded"
    'gamma'                         : .5,                 # [-] Maximum wave height over depth ratio
    'xi'                            : .3,                 # [-] Surf similarity parameter
    'facDOD'                        : .1,                 # [-] Ratio between depth of disturbance and local wave height
    'csalt'                         : 35e-3,              # [-] Maximum salt concentration in bed surface layer
    'cpair'                         : 1.0035e-3,          # [MJ/kg/oC] Specific heat capacity air

    'fc'                            : 0.11,         # NEWCH      # [-] Moisture content at field capacity (volumetric)
    'w1_5'                          : 0.02,         # NEWCH      # [-] Moisture content at wilting point (gravimetric)
    'resw_moist'                    : 0.01,         # NEWCH      # [-] Residual soil moisture content (volumetric) 
    'satw_moist'                    : 0.35,         # NEWCH      # [-] Satiated soil moisture content (volumetric)
    'resd_moist'                    : 0.01,         # NEWCH      # [-] Residual soil moisture content (volumetric) 
    'satd_moist'                    : 0.5,          # NEWCH      # [-] Satiated soil moisture content (volumetric) 
    'nw_moist'                      : 2.3,          # NEWCH      # [-] Pore-size distribution index in the soil water retention function
    'nd_moist'                      : 4.5,          # NEWCH      # [-] Pore-size distribution index in the soil water retention function 
    'mw_moist'                      : 0.57,         # NEWCH      # [-] m, van Genucthen param (can be approximated as 1-1/n)
    'md_moist'                      : 0.42,         # NEWCH      # [-] m, van Genucthen param (can be approximated as 1-1/n)
    'alfaw_moist'                   : -0.070,       # NEWCH      # [cm^-1] Inverse of the air-entry value for a wetting branch of the soil water retention function (Schmutz, 2014)
    'alfad_moist'                   : -0.035,       # NEWCH      # [cm^-1] Inverse of the air-entry value for a drying branch of the soil water retention function (Schmutz, 2014)
    'thick_moist'                   : 0.002,        # NEWCH      # [m] Thickness of surface moisture soil layer
    'K_gw'                          : 0.00078,      # NEWCH      # [m/s] Hydraulic conductivity (Schmutz, 2014)
    'ne_gw'                         : 0.3,          # NEWCH      # [-] Effective porosity
    'D_gw'                          : 12,           # NEWCH      # [m] Aquifer depth
    'tfac_gw'                       : 10,           # NEWCH      # [-] Reduction factor for time step in ground water calculations
    'Cl_gw'                         : 0.7,          # NEWCH      # [m] Groundwater overheight due to runup
    'in_gw'                         : 0,            # NEWCH      # [m] Initial groundwater level
    'GW_stat'                       : 1,            # NEWCH      # [m] Landward static groundwater boundary (if static boundary is defined)
    'theta_dyn'                     : 33.,                # [degrees] Initial Dynamic angle of repose, critical dynamic slope for avalanching
    'theta_stat'                    : 34.,                # [degrees] Initial Static angle of repose, critical static slope for avalanching
    'avg_time'                      : 86400.,             # [s] Indication of the time period over which the bed level change is averaged for vegetation growth
    'gamma_vegshear'                : 16.,                # [-] Roughness factor for the shear stress reduction by vegetation
    'hveg_max'                      : 1.,                 # [m] Max height of vegetation
    'dzb_opt'                       : 0.,                 # [m/year] Sediment burial for optimal growth
    'V_ver'                         : 0.,                 # [m/year] Vertical growth
    'V_lat'                         : 0.,                 # [m/year] Lateral growth
    'germinate'                     : 0.,                 # [1/year] Possibility of germination per year
    'lateral'                       : 0.,                 # [1/year] Posibility of lateral expension per year
    'veg_gamma'                     : 1.,                 # [-] Constant on influence of sediment burial
    'veg_sigma'                     : 0.8,                # [-] Sigma in gaussian distrubtion of vegetation cover filter
    'sedimentinput'                 : 0.,                 # [-] Constant boundary sediment influx (only used in solve_pieter)
    'scheme'                        : 'euler_backward',   # Name of numerical scheme (euler_forward, euler_backward or crank_nicolson)
    'solver'                        : 'trunk',             # Name of the solver (trunk, pieter, steadystate,steadystatepieter)
    'boundary_lateral'              : 'circular',         # Name of lateral boundary conditions (circular, constant ==noflux)
    'boundary_offshore'             : 'constant',         # Name of offshore boundary conditions (flux, constant, uniform, gradient)
    'boundary_onshore'              : 'gradient',         # Name of onshore boundary conditions (flux, constant, uniform, gradient)
    'boundary_gw'                   : 'no_flow',          # Landward groundwater boundary, dGw/dx = 0 (or 'static')
    'method_moist_threshold'        : 'belly_johnson',    # Name of method to compute wind velocity threshold based on soil moisture content
    'method_moist_process'          : 'infiltration',     # Name of method to compute soil moisture content(infiltration or surface_moisture)
    'offshore_flux'                 : 0.,                 # [-] Factor to determine offshore boundary flux as a function of Q0 (= 1 for saturated flux , = 0 for noflux)
    'constant_offshore_flux'        : 0.,                 # [kg/m/s] Constant input flux at offshore boundary
    'onshore_flux'                  : 0.,                 # [-] Factor to determine onshore boundary flux as a function of Q0 (= 1 for saturated flux , = 0 for noflux)
    'constant_onshore_flux'         : 0.,                 # [kg/m/s] Constant input flux at offshore boundary
    'lateral_flux'                  : 0.,                 # [-] Factor to determine lateral boundary flux as a function of Q0 (= 1 for saturated flux , = 0 for noflux)
    'method_transport'              : 'bagnold',          # Name of method to compute equilibrium sediment transport rate
    'method_roughness'              : 'constant',         # Name of method to compute the roughness height z0, note that here the z0 = k, which does not follow the definition of Nikuradse where z0 = k/30.
    'method_grainspeed'             : 'windspeed',        # Name of method to assume/compute grainspeed (windspeed, duran, constant)
    'max_error'                     : 1e-6,               # [-] Maximum error at which to quit iterative solution in implicit numerical schemes
    'max_iter'                      : 1000,               # [-] Maximum number of iterations at which to quit iterative solution in implicit numerical schemes
    'max_iter_ava'                  : 1000,               # [-] Maximum number of iterations at which to quit iterative solution in avalanching calculation
    'refdate'                       : '2020-01-01 00:00', # [-] Reference datetime in netCDF output
    'callback'                      : None,               # Reference to callback function (e.g. example/':callback)
    'wind_convention'               : 'nautical',         # Convention used for the wind direction in the input files (cartesian or nautical)
    'alfa'                          : 0,                  # [deg] Real-world grid cell orientation wrt the North (clockwise)
    'dune_toe_elevation'            : 3,                  # Choose dune toe elevation, only used in the PH12 dune erosion solver
    'beach_slope'                   : 0.1,                # Define the beach slope, only used in the PH12 dune erosion solver
    'veg_min_elevation'             : 3,                  # Choose the minimum elevation where vegetation can grow
    'vegshear_type'                 : 'raupach',          # Choose the Raupach grid based solver (1D or 2D) or the Okin approach (1D only)
    'okin_c1_veg'                   : 0.48,               #x/h spatial reduction factor in Okin model for use with vegetation
    'okin_c1_fence'                 : 0.48,               #x/h spatial reduction factor in Okin model for use with sand fence module
    'okin_initialred_veg'           : 0.32,               #initial shear reduction factor in Okin model for use with vegetation
    'okin_initialred_fence'         : 0.32,               #initial shear reduction factor in Okin model for use with sand fence module
    'veggrowth_type'                : 'orig',     #'orig', 'duranmoore14'
    'rhoveg_max'                    : 0.5,                #maximum vegetation density, only used in duran and moore 14 formulation
    't_veg'                         : 3,                  #time scale of vegetation growth (days), only used in duran and moore 14 formulation
    'v_gam'                         : 1,                  # only used in duran and moore 14 formulation

REQUIRED_CONFIG = ['nx', 'ny']